• How to kiss: with feeling, tact arrangement
  • With girl
  • How to learn
  • French
  • For the first time
  • First kiss
  • What to do during a kiss
  • Ideas for Dates
  • How to kiss, to want more
  • What is a kiss?
  • Types of kisses
  • With tongue
  • Passionately
  • On the lips
  • With a guy

 what to expect from the first kiss

What to expect from the first kiss

You can not wait to find out what it's like the first kiss? Kissing - it's nice, but do not expect much magic. We are still talking about the lips, tongue and saliva. No, the kiss is not necessarily disappoint you - just do not expect a round dance of the flowers and birds singing as soon as your lips touch.

  • It will be a little scary

No one can kiss perfectly the first time. Do not worry. Your partner will also be nervous, even if it is not the first time. And if the first, the more.

  • It will be wetter than you think

If all your experience in kisses - a preview of scenes in the movie, the reality may be unexpected. Feeling a real kiss, which can be cold and wet, for the first time can confuse you.

  • Perhaps you do not have to be active language

Lips themselves capable of much. In fact, many existing varieties of kisses, many of the best do not involve language. Maybe you should try them first and leave the language for later, when you gain more experience with kisses.

  • It will be shorter than you think

Kissing do not last forever, like in the movies. In the real world, you sometimes have to breathe. Kiss - this is not a marathon. There is nothing wrong if your first kiss The first kiss: it is unforgettable!  The first kiss: it is unforgettable!
   It will be short, sweet and leave you hungry to continue.

  • You'll panic because of this, but do not

If you come to negative thoughts, try to drive them away. Clear the mind and follow the flow. Kissing - no job control, do not think about them too much. Best kissing emanate from the heart, and not from the brain.

Read more What to do during a kiss

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