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  • How to learn
  • French
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 How to Kiss

What is a kiss?

There are many ways to kiss a loved one, and each of them could tell him something special about your feelings. Now you'll learn about the main types of kisses, and that you speak with them.

 How to kiss: with feeling, tact, emphatically - What is a kiss?

1. A light kiss.   So innocent, right? The main message that you pass this quick touch of the lips: "I want to kiss you and I hope soon to be closer, not now a little early, so that the kiss only hints at something even more enjoyable in the future."

2. A long kiss with closed lips.   He is very sensitive, but still a bit shy and reserved. It is a way of saying: "We have been so close to something bigger." This sometimes ends with a kiss knowing smile lovers and distinct sound, "Mmmm."

3. "Woodpecker." Many fast light kisses in a row. Playful and cute, it carries a message: "I like you so much, but I do not want to get too excited now." Such a kiss expresses sympathy for the abyss, but will not let you go away.

4. The French Kiss.   King kisses. Mouths open, tongues caress each other ... There are too many nuances to give generalized value, so - some deciphering different options:

  • Standard. Lip movements and contact languages ​​can be very sweet, passionate, exciting, or both, and others, and the third at once. Kiss it clear that hormones rage and you want more.
  • Tango languages. Ideally, when the French kiss languages ​​gracefully dancing ballet - that is, they do everything in moderation. A tango - is when languages ​​hustle and circling around each other. Such a kiss says: "I'm able to go beyond the ordinary, including in bed." However, it is close to a terrible "kiss lizard": the language is making rapid, sudden movements, the rhythm of movement similar to a lizard. You know, that can tell a lizard? "I'm a reptile. Cold-blooded, so. " So be careful.
  • He wants to eat me. After the kiss with "wanting to eat" your whole chin in his saliva. As a rule, because he opened his mouth as wide as he could, and in the midst of the usual kiss, begin to lick your face (empathize). Kiss said: "I want you to think I was breathtakingly sexy, but really - nothing outstanding. I guess I'm still not very good smell. What is success. "

5. Love bite. Gently biting her lip or neck of the partner, you are telling about their playful mood, and that you do not mind to associate pleasure with pain not strong. Just do not bite to draw blood.

6. I love and hate. The sudden, passionate embrace after a quarrel. For really hot passions kiss in this situation can not do without lung injury - traces of bites, for example. Message: "You bring me out of myself, I could barely stand you, but you need me so, and from that I get out of myself more, and from this - I want you even more to get you! "

7. With tight-lipped.   You probably have seen this in many films. Man finds the object of his passion by surprise and kisses. Often, when he holds her tightly so she can push him away. Kissing seems to say: "I'll show you how to argue with me and hang me to deceive! "

8. back to the wall.   "I want you so much! "Normally, such a kiss is spontaneous and semi public places (in the park, in a toilet bar for shelving in the library), which is a pity, because when so kiss all what you want - to be near a bed. Right now. Because it's incredibly exciting.

9. arching back. Old-fashioned and romantic, he leans toward you, you arch your back, he supports you with one hand while the other gently touches your face. Fantastic! So kiss as the two are very happy with each other, have no problems with a sense of humor and just crazy about each other.

So ... what is your favorite kiss? Add something to the list?

Read more Types of kisses

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