• How to kiss: with feeling, tact arrangement
  • With girl
  • How to learn
  • French
  • For the first time
  • First kiss
  • What to do during a kiss
  • Ideas for Dates
  • How to kiss, to want more
  • What is a kiss?
  • Types of kisses
  • With tongue
  • Passionately
  • On the lips
  • With a guy

 How to Kiss

How to kiss, to want more

You want to improve your technique the French kiss, or want to prepare for the first kiss of your life? Follow these tips the next time you are thinking of kissing.

  • Find the best time for a kiss

The best time for the first kiss - when you are alone, when there was a pause in the conversation, and you're looking into each other's eyes. To contribute to the creation of such a moment, find a way to break away from the company, stand or sit next to a partner, look into his eyes and let the conversation was interrupted naturally. Both of you will understand when the time is right.

  • Do not think too much about your breathing

Your breathing should always smell sweet menthol. For example, if you and your partner had dinner together and ate the same dish with garlic, none of you will experience discomfort. You can carry mints, but do not suck them constantly.

  • Start with kissing lips

The first thing you remember when thinking about French kissing is the language. But you do not begin with it. Start with just a kiss lips partner (top, bottom, or both at once) with his lips.

  • Do not make your tongue star of the show

Kiss without the use of language can also be magnificent. But if you want to go to the next level, open your mouth a little wider, gently touch your tongue to the language of a partner and let the tip of the tongue to play with each other. This is enough. When it comes to the use of language, less is better, but better.

  • Use your hands wisely

The best place where you can put your hands - it entwine their neck or waist with a partner, put them on the back of the head or partner, if you want to be very romantic, cheeks partner. Do not place your hands around it would be unreasonable waste of resources.

  • Do not forget to breathe

Take regular breaks to step back and look into the eyes of your partner. This will give you a chance to catch their breath and smile to each other.

  • Mix

Do not leave your lips or tongue in the same position for more than a few seconds. Initial admiration first kiss The first kiss: it is unforgettable!  The first kiss: it is unforgettable!
   - A strong sense, but kissing can become bored very quickly if you do not make them variety.

  • When in doubt, trust the partner

You do not have to be an expert at kissing to share a great kiss. If you are not sure about what you are doing, simply allow the partner to manage the situation and listen to it. As long as you like each other and concentrate on the magic moment, everything is fine.

  • Laugh ok

You may want to laugh or make a joke, to reduce stress or hide the nervousness. Do not be afraid to do it. Perhaps partner is nervous as you are, and it is also can help relieve stress.

  • Know when to end

If you kiss a man for the first time, do not tighten. You will have many more opportunities to kiss, and leave a better partner thirsty again merge with your lips in a passionate kiss.

Read more What is a kiss?

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