• How to kiss: with feeling, tact arrangement
  • With girl
  • How to learn
  • French
  • For the first time
  • First kiss
  • What to do during a kiss
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  • How to kiss, to want more
  • What is a kiss?
  • Types of kisses
  • With tongue
  • Passionately
  • On the lips
  • With a guy

 How to Kiss

How to kiss a guy

The relationship between the young men and women are currently going through the process of information absurdity. A huge number of diverse erotic films online with a lot of forums on the topic "about it", diametrically opposed views about various issues of intimate life of different people - all this leads inexperienced young girls in the state of the shock, when there are issues related to the relationship with the opposite sex. And so the question of how to kiss a man on some emotional personages suggests panic. Therefore, some clarification on this issue will not prevent anybody.

 How to kiss: with feeling, tact arrangement - With Man

Few tips

  • Some girls try to imitate others, relishes his stories about guys. It should not. The girl should live their own interests and desires.
  • Kissing with anyone for the sake order to keep abreast of all - very stupid.
  • Even if the girl liked the guy, it's still about what does not speak. Tomorrow might like another.
  • Kiss, especially if it first requires a specific, primarily moral training of women.
  • But the main danger of this seemingly simple action lies in the fact that the guy kiss the girl gives him a reason for fantasy, which can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

 How to kiss: with feeling, tact arrangement - With Man

Kiss Man. How to do it right

If a girl is confident in his desire, it must discard all unnecessary thoughts and reflections, and do something like this:

Choose the right place and time. At the same time, it is not necessary to delay, as well as, and too lightly for it. Suitable evening walk in the park, comfortable bench or side of the pond. Nature in general has a similar romantic eventful.

The behavior of the girls to be quiet. Explicitly asking for a kiss, and most importantly, immediately start kissing guy does not. In this case, it can be confused, this kiss is over, and he'll think before it completely libertine woman. And it can be, even if the guy has long been acquainted with the girl.

The conversation should be neutral, but with a smooth transition to the actual topic. Gradually, man realizes that he likes, and he will begin to "feel out" the situation and take the initiative. And when he attempts to kiss a girl she should not make a surprised face. In this situation, calm response to the kiss will be the best continuation.

The subsequent course of events completely predictable. Man feels that he is master of the situation and would be a bit rude. It is necessary to put it into place. This is done very simply. No need for any slaps enough hardness in the behavior and confident tone, with an expression of disapproval of such a development.

After that, take some time and the guy will be tender and at this point just need to answer him the same affection and kisses in this case will bring pleasure to both.

As to how to kiss and how long there is no specific recommendations.

All depends on the guy and the girl, their relationship, sensuality, and also endurance. Kissing up to the point of exhaustion and swollen lip is not necessary, but try to kiss with tongues, and without language, nevertheless, it should be. It will make the relations more suppleness and confidence.

After kissing should definitely relax, walk a little bit and talk about their feelings. Then, it is worth repeating kisses. The guy take the initiative himself and if it is a polite and gentle, it is not necessary to stop.

If you spent the evening like it, next time it will be much easier, and kissing is more relaxed.

The first serious relationship - it is very exciting and, at the same time the most beautiful events in the life of girls. It bye and kisses, filled with some naivete, but also beautiful and romantic, will be one of the most pleasant memories in my life.

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