How to learn to kiss
 It is hard to imagine a loving relationship without kisses - a gentle, tremulous, passionate, unbridled, hot ... It is therefore natural that those who make the first steps in learning the art of love, care, learning how to kiss How to kiss: with feeling, tact arrangement  How to kiss: with feeling, tact arrangement
 . Because skillful kisses - one of the best ways to please a loved one.


Where to begin?

Kissing surround a person from childhood - it's hard to imagine parents who have never kissed her child. However, these related kisses do not contain any erotic overtones, they simply serve as an expression of affection to a loved one. Devoid of erotic subtext and the usual friendly kiss on the cheek, which people often reward good friends when meeting or parting.

It is quite another thing - the kisses with a loved one. Such kissing sensual and exciting, and probably every girl wants to learn to kiss so that her lover was thirsty kisses again. What you need to do?

Ironically, the quality demands a kiss is not primarily trained lips and tongue, and even some special knowledge of technology - especially need the right attitude.

To kiss was unforgettable, he has to go from the heart. The desire to bring your loved one enjoy attractive in itself, and sometimes it could replace even the most sophisticated engineering kiss Technique kiss: simple  Technique kiss: simple


Technical highlights

 How to learn to kiss
 The first thing that should take care before proceeding to kiss - a fresh breath. Bad breath can turn a partner kissing in torture. Therefore, those whose breath can not be called fresh, you should make every effort to get rid of the odor. Perhaps just enough to brush your teeth more often and use a variety of breath fresheners, and may have to be treated by a dentist or a gastroenterologist.

Many couples kiss wherever possible - on the street, in public transport and even at work. And it is better to take care of the romantic and intimate atmosphere that will allow partners to feel completely relaxed.

Not worth much strain the lips, it is best if they are a bit relaxed. This, of course, does not mean that we should not take the initiative: inertia, as well as excessive tension can push partner.

It is best if a kiss will engage the whole body, for example, can be pressed against the partner or gently stroking his shoulders.

At the same time it is not necessary to hurry up and "give vent to his hands" ahead of time: it can be confusing and alienating his partner. Of course, over time, affection usually become more open, but it is a gradual process that should not be artificially accelerated.


Kiss step by step

How to kiss? Of course, nobody will give clear guidance, and yet there are techniques that tend to enjoy everything:

  • Do not just dig into the lips of the partner: it is better to start with a touch of lips to the cheeks, eyelids and neck, and only then move on to the lips;
  • To begin to touch serried lips to partner and immediately step back, watching the reaction of a loved one;
  • The next stage - a longer touch the lips. If the lips are parted partner can gently penetrate tongue in his mouth. Closed lips partner can gently push the tongue;
  • Licking and sucking his lips partner, you can give him great pleasure. It is better to move rhythmically, but not monotone;
  • The signal to stop the kiss is the lack of initiative from any party.

Maria Bykov

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