• Interesting facts about cats: the secrets of pets
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 interesting facts about cats
 People who are completely indifferent to the pet, virtually none. Someone who likes dogs, some fish, and many can not imagine life without a cat or a cat. However, many interesting facts about cats still remain a mystery to their respective owners. Meanwhile, these facts will help to better understand their pets.

 Interesting facts about cats: the secrets of pets

Physical data

 interesting facts about cats
 World feline extraordinarily diverse. The largest predator felines, tiger weighs about three hundred kilograms. And the most miniature cats live in Sri Lanka. Their weight is a maximum of one and a half kilograms and height at the withers - no more than fifteen centimeters. Not much bigger than a cat breed Singapore - their weight rarely reaches two and a half kilograms. On average, domestic cat weighs five kilos, of course, if it is not to overfeed.

As is known, the smaller the size of the animal, the more his heartbeat. The frequency of the pulse of the cat - 110-140 beats per minute. A body temperature of cats differs only slightly from the human - just 38C. The cat more than five hundred muscles, with twelve of them run by the ears - it is not surprising that the ears of cats so expressive.

Wild cats typically live no more than five years. Domestic cats, which do not face the street, more tenacious: the period of their life may be thirty or even more years. More often, however, domestic cats live fifteen years. Interestingly, the average term of the cat lives at home in the last eighty years has doubled. On such a life as is possible to argue. Some cat lovers believe that life is long locked away, but bleak. At the same time, many cats are not torn out and thrive in the four walls.

 Interesting facts about cats: the secrets of pets

About cat cleanliness

 interesting facts about cats
 Cats can sleep sixteen hours a day. Remaining time they devote to food, personal care, games, and hunting. At the same time caring for themselves can take up to four hours a day: a cat licking fur thoroughly wherever reaches. Language in cats is very rough - it helps to "comb" fur. Scientists estimate that a daily toilet cat spends as much liquid as, and to urinate.

This cleanliness has its drawbacks: using language cat carries the eggs of parasites on the entire surface of the skin. And so it is really infected with worms, just stroking the cat and not washing their hands afterwards. In this regard, even domestic cats are dangerous: they can easily catch worms, lick master's street shoes or poterevshis of street clothes.

But the water most cats do not like - only rare instances of pleasure bathe and swim. Almost all cats are afraid of the soul, which is very noisy.

 Interesting facts about cats: the secrets of pets


 interesting facts about cats
 It is well known that cats see well in the dark - in nature they come to hunt mainly at night. The eyes of cats are larger than those of many other mammals (except for lemurs and other nocturnal animals). This cat some distant and poorly distinguished intimate details, but they perfectly see at a distance of sixty meters. Unlike many animals, cats are able to distinguish colors, but there are also color blind, unable to distinguish red from green.

Hear cats much better than people hearing range reaches sixty-five kilohertz. Also, the orientation of the cat's whiskers help - whiskers. These bodies are helping the animals find their way unerringly even in total darkness and silence. Usually cats twelve long whiskers on each side of the muzzle. Cats, for whatever reason, lost their whiskers feel very insecure and badly oriented in space.

Smell the cat several times better than humans, but inferior canine. On the upper sky in cats is a body called the "tube Jacobson" - with the help of the body cat catch a variety of odors, including very weak, reflecting an emotional state or sexual features of other cats. To take advantage of this authority, the cat's mouth slightly open and freeze.

Cats well-developed sense of balance. Almost always cats can be grouped in the air and fall to the four legs - at least when it comes to low altitude. But we should not overestimate the ability of cats to fall - a fall from the high floors animals rarely survive.

 Interesting facts about cats: the secrets of pets

About offspring

 interesting facts about cats
 Fertility cats are legendary. For the life of an animal can bring more than a hundred cats. Typically, the manure from one to eight kittens. Interestingly, they may have different fathers. The largest number of surviving kittens in the same litter - fourteen. This record was recorded in South Africa. In the year of the cat gives birth to usually three to five times.

Unfortunately, the fate of newborn kittens is often tragic. In the wild, as expected, the strongest survive: weak kittens die, unable to win from more active brothers and sisters of the mother's milk. The offspring of domestic cats, too, do not always survive. Tradition drown unwanted kittens alive to this day, although the cat spayed or at least give it inappropriate to meet the cats in our time is easy.

Operations castration (for cats) and sterilization (for cats) can solve many problems. Such operations vets recommend spending at the age of seven months and seven years. It is desirable to operate the animal before the first mating, it is not yet know the joy of sexual intercourse - then the results of surgery will not be for him a mental trauma. After neutering cats is a special diet.

 Interesting facts about cats: the secrets of pets


If any creature adorable little kittens? No wonder these animals are so fond of photographers: touching fluffy lumps unusually expressive and photogenic. Kittens are born, however, it is not very nice. Their eyes are open only in the seventh to tenth day of life, and there is a rumor about the age of two weeks.

Kittens sleeping very much. Little kittens, recently weaned, the new owners can sleep literally for days - is a kind of reaction to stress.

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