• Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body
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 Meaning of moles on the body tag

Tags devil and messages from a past life

It is believed that the neat round mole bring happiness to their owners. Moles oval moderately favorable, but relatively rare birthmarks angular (triangular, square, polygonal or star) carry information about some amazing abilities or serious danger - the significance of such moles is determined by the place where they are located. Luck portend bright flat moles, black and bulging often serve as a warning.

Large birthmarks Birthmarks  Birthmarks
   often have an unusual shape. In the Middle Ages these nevi called "Devil's marks", and the owner of such a mark could well end his life at the stake. But modern scholars moles believe that such a mark on the body - a kind "hello" from a past life. Among the supporters of the theory of reincarnation is widely believed that birthmarks appear in places that have been hit hard in the past life, such as a knife or a firearm. According to this hypothesis, at the gallows necessarily have a mole (and sometimes not one, but several) on the neck and those who stabbed in the back, in the next life mark appears on the back.

 Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body - Tags Body

Moles and health

Perhaps there are no people who would not have had a mole. Still, some nevi can be counted on one hand, and at others the number of moles may exceed one hundred. On what does it depend on? According to scientists, it is crucial to heredity. Phenotype is also important: most moles in fair-skinned, blue-eyed Caucasians.

Physicians are uniquely birthmarks - nevi are benign neoplasms, but under unfavorable conditions, they can develop into dangerous cancer - melanoma. Especially dangerous are the large asymmetric moles with irregular coloring - in most cases, doctors recommend to remove them.

At the same time, a number of researchers argues that the skin on which a lot of moles, slower aging. There is a hypothesis that the birthmark is a kind of protection of the skin from aging, but the mechanism of this protection has not been studied. Maybe it's the fact that people with lots of moles cherish your skin from ultraviolet radiation, which, as is proven, promotes premature aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance

 Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body - Tags Body

The art of interpretation of moles

Interpretation of moles rather contradictory - different schools have different interpretations of certain marks. For example, a very common belief that women are particularly favorable birthmark located on the left side of the body, while a mole on the right side carry the negative information. For men, on the contrary, favorable birthmark on the right side of the body.

Other interpretations consider moles, regardless of the side on which they are located. For example, in terms of palmistry, moles on the palm of your hand - not too auspicious sign.

Enough rare birthmarks are located on the human body groups. In this case must be considered when interpreting the form of a "constellation" formed such moles. For example, a triangle of moles - a very auspicious sign that promises its owner good luck in everything. At the same time, the stars show to these people increased demands: those whose body is decorated with a triangle of moles, you need to work on themselves, developing such qualities as kindness, generosity, diligence.

But the star of the square or moles - a sign of poor. Even worse, if the human body is decorated with a mole Moles:: tags fate or bombs?  Moles:: tags fate or bombs?
   a cross - this arrangement heralds early tragic death. A place where there is a sign, tell me, in what area a person in danger. However, even the most unfavorable sign - not a reason to panic. After birthmark just warn of the danger, and people can always change their destiny, heeding these warnings.

Read more Moleosofiya

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