• Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body
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 the value of moles moleosofiya


By birthmarks should be treated cautiously and carefully, and do not injure them, as these red or brown spots and bulges are insidious ability to regenerate the most dangerous cancer education - melanoma. Fortunately, most of the people live happily with their numerous moles without complications. Meaning of moles and their location on the human body interested people since ancient times.

 Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body - Moleosofiya

Moleosofiya - Science Or Superstition

You can have different attitudes to the prediction and description of human nature, made of birthmarks (or, as they are called doctors, nevi). However, it is dedicated to the whole area of ​​human knowledge - moleosofiya. The term comes from the Greek molops - «Zhevlakov" means interpretation of moles, scars, warts and other skin formations. In ancient times moleosofiya was one way of telling fortunes, and in today's world, it is most often used for the diagnosis of non-traditional medicine.

In both cases, it takes into account the location of the pigmented spots on the parts of the body, their color, size, shape. Section moleosofii considering nevi as indicators of the properties of human nature, offers the following basic interpretations of moles:

  • round shape indicates the positive qualities of character and predicts favorable developments in the future;
  • oblong - relatively favorable developments and the average financial situation;
  • angular spots indicate something out of the ordinary and can indicate both the outstanding quality of the positive and the negative, as predicted by the luck in the future and hardships. It depends on the location on a particular part of the body and adjacent moles;
  • bright promise happiness and black warning of the difficulties;
  • "Honey" to bring good luck;
  • on the right side of the body more favorable nevi;
  • symmetrical arrangement on the paired parts of the body, such as the cheeks, knees, buttocks demonstrates the duality of nature and its impact on the double astrological signs (Gemini, fish scales)

There moleosofskoe for, according to which a mole is considered as biological cavities because it is located in bioactive points on the energy meridians and reflex zones.

That is, the pigment spots are a kind of antennas by which the body exchanges energy with the cosmos. They act as filters for blocking unwanted person and carry out the necessary frequency spectrum of the signal received by the body. According to this theory, the task of birthmarks - the imbalance of mental and physiological processes, reducing or increasing the intake of certain types of energy. It turns out that the more of them, the more harmonious body.

As proof of esoteric result of the fact that a mole Moles:: tags fate or bombs?  Moles:: tags fate or bombs?
   in the course of life can appear and disappear. They believe that this does not happen by chance, but as a result of any of our actions, experiences a very strong desire or stress.

According to that same case, the removal of nevi may exacerbate some human qualities, such as irritability may turn into aggressiveness, calm - in the phlegm. If the theory of the nature tonkoenergeticheskoy birthmarks will be confirmed, the map of their location on the body can tell a lot about a person, to prevent severe illness and prevent undesired events.

 Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body - Moleosofiya

Moles and the theory of reincarnation

There nevi unusual shapes and sizes as well as completely insensitive to pain. They are rare in the Middle Ages they were considered the devil's marks and identification marks witches. Proponents of the theory of reincarnation believe that large birthmarks meet serious, usually fatal wounds received in a past life. One of the researchers of this phenomenon, Ian Stevenson, professor of psychiatry at the University of Virginia (USA) has amassed more than three hundred of the facts. This is documented by scientists stories from patients about their previous lives in which they cited many exact details, dates, facts, names and occupations of its former parent. At the same time the cause of death they called knife or gunshot wound, on the spot where in this life was revealed birthmark Birthmarks  Birthmarks
 In form very similar to the characteristic of this type of wound scar. Stevenson concluded that the traces of past life transferred to a new physical body.

In 2007, a joint team of British and American scientists, led by Veronique Bataille, and Tim Spector published in the journal of the American Association for Cancer Research surprising results a decade of research: the more moles on the human body, and what they are larger, the lower the individual rate of aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
 . The body of an average European usually present about thirty moles. Every twenty-five moles "over the program" reduce the biological age of the owner of two or three years. Genetics suggest that a large number of moles indicates that its DNA has not yet studied the mechanisms of protection against aging. By 2010, Tim Spector has provided new research results, according to which people who have moles on your face, have a tightened muscle and less wrinkles.

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