the rules of courtship of the girl
 The concept of courtship seems to be living out their last days. Many men today, the rules of courtship of the girl seem a waste of time, money, and other resources. Why all this, if you can easily talk to any stranger, to invite for a cup of coffee, talk a little and continue the dialogue in a horizontal plane, and if she does not agree - it does not matter, there are a lot of girls, for whom do not have long to run. However, everything changes when you meet a special girl, or when you know that you are tired of transient or non-committal relationships and sex, which can hardly be called proximity, and even more so - making love. That was then, and the time comes to look for real, but it may be that you do not know how to do it.

In today's world of courtship - it is not necessarily a long process with delicate letters, sighing at the window favorite, serenades, and long waiting first kiss The first kiss: it is unforgettable!  The first kiss: it is unforgettable!
 Not to mention something more. Nowadays, everything is much easier, but courtesy and concern for loved still have not lost relevance.



How exactly are you looking for a woman is not the last value. If you see a pretty girl at a party at the bar or on the street, do not whistle, looking at her feet, looking at the most interesting part of your body, and the more compliments aloud Compliments  Compliments
   her appearance. Such behavior on the part of strangers girls usually unpleasant - men are already too often behave with them as sexual objects. That is, it is clear that the girl you are interested in not only as an object of platonic love, do not need to show it when meeting. It would be much better if you just smile girl, and come up to her if she will answer you smile.

If you are getting started in online dating, not simply "wink" like a girl, or to send a short message containing a standard short phrase such as: "Hello, how are you? ". Read her profile on the site, and write a letter, mentioning some of the information from the questionnaire. So she sees that you matter who it is you're writing, and you are not one of the many users who are trying to get acquainted with all of whose pictures they seem to be more or less attractive.


First date

Appointments not in the bar or cafe where you plan to go, and the nearest metro station, and from there go with your chosen institution. The bar pays most of - but not necessarily all - girls drink, ask questions about her hobbies, tastes, plans and dreams, and deployed to respond to her questions. Kissing and hugging on the first date First date: everything is just beginning  First date: everything is just beginning
   You can, but only if you see that she does, too.

Speaking of colors. On the dates accepted to give flowers, but many of the girls admit that they carry them with you all night, ask at the bars vase, the vase and if not, to return home to podvyavshim bouquet - quite troublesome. There are several ways to solve problems. If you go to a bar where you know very well just buy a bunch in advance, store it in the bar and ask the bartender to put it in a vase and keep some back room before the end of the evening. Then go to the subway station to meet the girl, and when the time comes to leave the bar, away for a moment, and then return with a bouquet. You can simply buy a bouquet in the nearest flower shop when you escort her home. Finally, you can order flowers delivery to any place, or even ask a friend to give you a bouquet at the agreed time. So you simplify the life of a girl, and a pleasant surprise at the end of visits will increase the likelihood that it will not be the last.

If you want to have after the first date and the second was, tell a girl before you parted. The next day, write or call her and thank you for a pleasant evening.


Treat only one girl

Even choosing clothes in a store, you try it in turn. Trying to take care of several girls at once, you risk not know how to be any of them, do not understand what you really feel and what you need in a relationship.


Switch off your phone

During the visits, you should give the girl her full and undivided attention. An exception can be made only if you are waiting a very important call, but then you need to explain to the girl the situation and apologize in advance for what you can distract from the conversation at any time.


Be a gentleman

Open the car door girl and doors of restaurants, help her to remove and put on a coat, pay for it. For most women, it is very nice; a minority are some feminists, but the relationship with these women have their own characteristics, which need to be discussed separately.


Meet with your friends

In ancient times, courtship began not with meetings alone, and with a pair of meetings in the company of friends or relatives. This allows not only to keep up appearances, but also to help young people better look at each other - it is very important to see how a person communicates with other people like him are close, and so on. Now you find it very strange, if you ask a girl out on a date with a group of friends with her and you. However, after a few ordinary meeting is to introduce her to his friends. Ideally, invite her to a party where are your friends, and ask her to call her closest friends. Paying attention to her friends, and blowing it in your social circle, you show the girl sincere intention to make it part of their lives.


Take the time to have sex

It is not necessary to go to extremes and wait for sex before marriage (it does not always agree, not only men but also women), but your relationship will only benefit if you go to physical intimacy only after feel emotional intimacy.

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