Top 10 foods that are not recommended to order a first date guide for men
 The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. This well-known fact is confirmed by numerous stains on his shirt, forming a bizarre picture, starting somewhere in the chest and gently descends to the stomach.

Romance usually begin with a semi-official visits in any posh restaurant - tasty food, light wine, pleasant conversation and invisible inner workings of weighing "for" and "against" the next meeting. Men "include charm" and trying to entertain a lady, often forgetting about such an important factor as ... food. But it's amazing what conclusions can make a woman on the basis of a simple salad!

Make no mistake: on the first date First date: everything is just beginning  First date: everything is just beginning
   she drew attention to absolutely all of it will not slip, no change, nor slightest detail. It's not just what you eat, but how you do it - gently, quietly, carefully chewing each piece, or in a hurry, without looking. Your choice of food can help your companion to make your choice, and only depends on you, he will be in your favor or not.

 Top 10 foods that are not recommended to order on a first date: A Guide for Men

№10. Big Mac

 Top 10 foods that are not recommended to order a first date guide for men
 If you ask a girl out on a date at McDonald's, then you do not cherish her attention. Perhaps you are married, or you already have a regular girl, you want to have an affair on the side and just hiding from friends who may have been caught in the act - perhaps you will meet them in the diner like McDonald's. So, if your first date took place in a fast food restaurant, the continuation should not expect. Moreover, it is suggested to leave one girl even a couple of minutes - returning, you run the risk of simply not find her.

What she thought : She thought the same as any normal person - you are an idiot. Eats his french fries - and home to his wife.

 Top 10 foods that are not recommended to order on a first date: A Guide for Men

№9. Milk

Probably should not talk about this at all, but it is our duty to warn: Never, under any circumstances, do not order meals from the children's menu Children's menu: the basics of good nutrition baby  Children's menu: the basics of good nutrition baby
 . Even if you have ordered a dessert a huge piece of cake, please, do not take milk. Order a coffee or any other hot drink. Grown men do not drink milk at strangers (especially if you are poorly digested lactose), and even more so on a date.

What she thought : Likely, she will take you for an infantile, immature man is not ready for a serious relationship. The man, who often drink milk for dinner, go to bed early, depending on their moms - at least, such a stereotype exists in the minds of most women.

 Top 10 foods that are not recommended to order on a first date: A Guide for Men

№8. Vanilla ice cream

 Top 10 foods that are not recommended to order a first date guide for men
 So, dinner was a success. Who will bring dessert. The waiter offers a rich selection of sweets from which would flow salivating even the famous sweet tooth from a fairy tale about a chocolate factory Augustus stupid. Girl chooses something sophisticated and unusual, and you order several balls of vanilla ice cream. Excellent. After all, the next day you have to fight dominoes with your neighbors in the nursing home, and you do not want the night to suffer from insomnia because of dessert eaten, is not it? Yes, you can continue the fascinating story of the search for socks to match the costume. Before leaving, do not forget to wake up the girl - uncomfortable to leave it in that state.

What she thought You - bore. You are not inclined to experiment and adventure, do not like to take risks and thus depriving yourself of the many pleasures - including the intimate sphere, because women tend to project on the habits of male relationships. Therefore, possible communication with you the same girl seems boring and uninteresting, like a ball of vanilla ice cream.

 Top 10 foods that are not recommended to order on a first date: A Guide for Men

№7. Fish sticks

If you're already a fan of fish, ask the waiter to bring a fish dish of the day, or any other dish of fish, but not fish sticks - it is too boring and "homemade" food for travelers. In addition, the "fish sticks" - it's not exactly a fish, and a lot of any chemical additives, which, of course, it does not matter if you're hungry, but out of place if you want to impress a girl.

What she thought You do not like to try new things, because the fish fingers - a favorite food of mothers who are burdened by large farms and are unable to stand for long periods at the stove, inventing new dishes. Most likely, you do not like to deviate from the routine and established order - and not just in regard to food. She may think that life with you would be like a "Groundhog Day", but without the happy ending.

 Top 10 foods that are not recommended to order on a first date: A Guide for Men

№6. Lobster

 Top 10 foods that are not recommended to order a first date guide for men
 Well, your thinking is quite clear: "If I order this doroguschego lobster, she thinks that money is not a problem for me. I'll look chic and will make an impression. " Clever, do not say anything, because the bib, which has made lobster - an integral part of any suit wealthy. In short, the lobster - not the best choice for a romantic date, especially for the first one. In addition, the lobster - very greasy food, and you risk getting dirty thoroughly that hardly add your appeal.

What she thought How can you take care of his woman, if you can not take care of themselves? And if the lobster you can not afford, do not order it just to impress - you can not eat it, and then if she will initially take you by the Rockefeller Foundation, it will hardly understand why you are so twisted when she ordered truffles and bottle of "Crystal". So blame yourself and do not say I did not warn you.

 Top 10 foods that are not recommended to order on a first date: A Guide for Men

№5. Spicy food

 Top 10 foods that are not recommended to order a first date guide for men
 Do not get us wrong, acute - especially Mexican - food - an excellent choice. For his bachelor party. You will be constantly distracted and not be able to talk normally. You'd love to hear what she says about her work, but are forced to drink water, trying to hide a raging fire in your mouth relaxed smile.

What she thought : She will always be for you in the background. And we are not necessarily talking about the food: you will always think first about themselves and their own pleasure. Whether you're busy watching your favorite television program or overcome the last level in the new video game - this time for the rest of the world you do not exist.

 Top 10 foods that are not recommended to order on a first date: A Guide for Men

№4. Dishes with corn

Corn - the most disgusting food. It is difficult to digest and stuck wherever possible - in his mouth, throat and nose, even if you inadvertently try to talk while eating. If the grain of corn stuck in his teeth, spoiled the evening - you can not think about anything except this tiny stimulus. You will not rest until I dig it - finger match, toothpick or sharp end cutlery. Also, we do not recommend taking popcorn on a first date if you go to the movies. No girl would be delighted if there will be distributed to your muffled chomping and cough.

What she thought : Perhaps the house you behave abominably. Perhaps you have a bunch of strange repulsive habits that will show her gradually, with the development of your relationship. Perhaps you like poking around in his mouth, nose and biting his nails, and thrust his hand into the pants when watching TV.

 Top 10 foods that are not recommended to order on a first date: A Guide for Men

№3. Fried chicken wings in sauce

Fried chicken wings - Food for friendly drinking parties and informal parties who miraculously gets into the restaurant menu in the guise of a snack. Meanwhile, it is impossible to have accurate - the sauce smeared remains on the hands and face. Unconsciously, you can lick your fingers that is acceptable on the first date in only one case - if this meeting takes place in your home. In addition, the sauce is usually very sharp, which can be fraught with consequences. You remember the comedy "Along Came Polly"?

What she thought You do not understand the difference between what is permissible in the circle of close friends and among strangers. She may think that your idea of ​​holiday and chic comes to fried wings and pizza, and mentally draw a picture of the tenth anniversary of your life together: beer, chicken wings and bags of nuts.

 Top 10 foods that are not recommended to order on a first date: A Guide for Men

№2. Salad

 Top 10 foods that are not recommended to order a first date guide for men
 Order a salad as a side dish to the main course is acceptable, but if you do not order a nothing but lettuce, beware - it says more about you than your clothes. Firstly, you are going through because of its weight (believe me, little girl just need to get her man to count calories - she does). Secondly, such a love dressing may look unnatural and suspicious - as if you are trying to hide the unpleasant side of your nature. Can you eat your hands, you wipe your greasy hands on his pants or cloth or lick the plate? In addition, the salad - terribly boring food. In the restaurant we often try eating his companion - is part of a romantic ritual. And who wants to try a salad? Have you ever heard that someone suggested: "Try the lettuce and celery. It is something amazing! Simply Yum "?

What she thought : The man who orders just a green salad on a romantic date Romantic date: how to spend an unforgettable meeting  Romantic date: how to spend an unforgettable meeting
 Or excessively vain and selfish or stingy, or a combination of both. Believe me, these are not the qualities that women want to see her lover. A woman needs a man who eats more than her, otherwise she will feel uncomfortable.

 Top 10 foods that are not recommended to order on a first date: A Guide for Men

№1. Broth

The first and most important rule: never order more or less than your companion. For example, if it takes a snack, you should also order an appetizer (can take one for two). This rule applies to the soup and salad. There is nothing more uncomfortable than watching others eat, and at the same time trying to lead a relaxed conversation. Therefore, please refrain from the soup, it's not every girl likes him. In addition, liquid soup, hot soup, and the soup is very difficult to eat and still maintain a conversation. And imagine what would happen if you burn the sky?

What she thought : She'll think you do not care about the opinions of others. If you do not hesitate to publicly sip and smack one's lips on the first date, she vividly imagine how you behave during a dating with her friends or parents.

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