• Types of kisses: Fun for all tastes
  • Ritual and love
  • The lips and not just

 kinds of kisses
 It's hard to imagine life without kissing. Touches lips may express a variety of feelings, there are different kinds of kisses Types of kisses: an exceptional variety of caresses  Types of kisses: an exceptional variety of caresses
 From friendly to love, from a respectful farewell to ... What else there are kisses, what their specific differences and characteristics?


What is a kiss

Kiss called touch to anyone (and sometimes to anything) lips. Such touches are usually accompanied by strong and bright emotions, and sometimes there are ritual - such as the kissing of hands in a sign of respect. The exact age of the affection can not be established: likely kisses practiced since ancient times. This form of caresses there and the next of kin rights - the monkeys.

Interestingly, kisses and caresses are ranked, not involving contact lips. For example, so-called "Butterfly Kiss" is an exquisite caress partner fluttering eyelashes. And sending kisses, man kisses his own hand, and then waving it in the air or imaginary blows kisses in the direction of their destination.

It's hard to say how many kinds of kisses known to mankind. Touch lips may vary depending on their emotional color - there are formal kisses, passionate love, guilty, grateful, hopeful. The differences may be in the technique of kiss Technique kiss: simple  Technique kiss: simple
   - Closed lips, open mouth, using the language, and even with the teeth. It has the meaning and place a kiss - an innocent kiss on the cheek and frank kissing in the genital area are quite different from each other. Finally, kissing differ even in their place of origin - so the famous French Kiss got its name from a country where the art of love is traditionally paid much attention. A eskimo kissing, which is, in fact, mutual sniffing and rubbing noses come, respectively, from the Eskimo culture, where the lips touch was not accepted.


The emotional coloring of a kiss

There just do not express the feelings of people with kisses. Touches lips serve to reassure or to apologize, to maintain or soothe, ignite the passion and comfort. Often used kisses to express gratitude.

Related and friendly kisses completely devoid of romanticism and sensuality. Such kissing - the best evidence of sympathy. Often, however, the line between friendship and romantic feelings insufficiently clear: in this situation, kisses may seem somewhat ambiguous. So friendly kisses friends of the opposite sex is better not to abuse if there is no absolute certainty that these tokens are correctly interpreted.

Emotional kisses are not always addressed to people. Many once in my life had to kiss, for example, found a favorite thing or, say, freshly prepared diploma of education. A kiss their pets more than half of the owners of dogs, cats and hamsters, just not all admit it.

With kisses can be said about what the words say why something is impossible. For example, a sudden strong friendly kiss can tell the true feelings of others. A dry and cool kiss a man recently going crazy with passion - an occasion to think about how you did not come in the relationship cooled.

Kissing was originally used for the expression of love, or at least sympathy, so this rejection in most people call insincere, deceitful kisses. It is no coincidence the symbol of human perfidy became the kiss of Judas: a combination of betrayal with a kiss very unattractive.

Often without kisses can not do even in writing. To give an emotional text message, using smiley ": - *" - a graphic representation of a person with outstretched lips into a tube.

Read more Ritual and love

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