What Women Want
 Women, women, women ... it is impossible to live without them, and with them, at times, incredibly difficult. One of the main reasons for this is that sometimes, it seems, is quite impossible to understand what women want. Contrary to popular belief, it's not that the woman is extremely irrational and simply does not know what he wants. Rather, it is a much more emotional than men, and therefore it is very difficult to understand it. In fact, the desire of women is not as mysterious as it seems and many men are quite capable to implement.



This is not a specific woman's desire that people of any gender want to be respected. However, women's desire for respect has its own characteristics. For example, women want to be respected, not as women, but simply as people. From the perspective of a man it may seem meaningless, but for women who have recently given equal rights with men, it's really important.

Most modern women do not like when people emphasize their sex, talking about their professional achievements, "woman doctor", "female director" - such expressions are the residual effects of those times when such a profession for women were virtually unattainable. Women want to be called only by doctors, directors, lawyers, and so on - and, of course, compared them with the achievements of not achieving female colleagues, and all colleagues at all. Phrases such as "it is a good programmer, for a woman, at least" - this is not a compliment Compliments  Compliments
 And disrespect, even if the speaker does not realize it. It should be remembered about it when you praise a woman for any skills: for example, do not tell her that she was good drivers - for a woman. On the road, everyone is equal, and the floor of good (and bad) driver does not matter. In general, a woman wants on its achievements and talents judged without taking into consideration the gender, or any compliments, as criticism in her eyes depreciate. This does not mean that she wants to be around, like a man, but she does not want to be treated as if to be a woman - a shortcoming which must constantly make allowances.


Understand without explanation

Woman seeks to create a deep emotional intimacy with the beloved - so deep that the two could communicate almost without words .  Perhaps every man who has the experience of a more or less long-term relationship, at least once heard phrases like "I do not want you to explain it .  You yourself must understand such things " .  The man is at a loss, and a woman - in the belief that he does not want to understand it .  All this does not mean that a woman can not be understood without telepathy .  As a rule, it is enough to listen carefully and be observant; If you possess these qualities, and you know a woman for a long time, you probably will be able to identify the signs, which can be fairly easy to determine its emotional state .  That is enough: in fact, to understand a woman, it is not necessary to know exactly what she was and what she was upset - just need to understand how she feels, and it is much easier than learning how to read minds .


Care and support

Modern women, of course, can take care of themselves, but they also love when a man cares about them .  Generally, the relationship needed to be near a person who you can complain to life after a hard day, who will support you in the pursuit of the most unattainable - at first glance - the goals that will always be ready to give a hand and a shoulder .  Such a person needs, even the most powerful women (men, too, is - although they are not always willing to admit it) .  Do not forget to take care in the details - drove it to work in heavy snow, invite her to a restaurant for no reason, prepare for her dinner one night ask her not to go to the gym, do not do the cleaning, but just go to bed early, and at least once in I am working week as a good night's rest .  Support her if she is going to foreign language courses, plans to change jobs or to get a second degree .  It certainly will answer you the same, and mutual support, you can achieve any heights .


Displays of affection

Women are a declaration of love Declarations of love - a cherished phrase  Declarations of love - a cherished phrase
 You made it to the beginning of a relationship. It's not that she forgot about it, she just constantly require new confirmation of your feelings and the whole range of emotions associated with this - after all, women live nearly feelings. Therefore, women need to say that you love her, to make gifts for no reason (the cost does not matter), to arrange surprises - a date at the restaurant on the roof, a romantic evening at home, sharing the spa area, and so on.


Kissing just

This is also a manifestation of love, but also a way to show their passion for a woman - which is also very important. Most women love to kiss, and not only during the prelude to sex. Kiss her for no reason, for example, when she is watching TV, or standing in front of a wardrobe, thinking what to wear.


Hold hands

The woman at any age, even if it is many years married, want to walk from time to time with her man, holding hands, in his early youth.



When a woman is spinning in the dance with a beloved man, it feels special, light and beautiful. Unfortunately, many men either do not know how to dance, or just do not want to - usually due to misconceptions about how to behave "macho." Take a few dance lessons (to make a surprise favorite, go to class without her - partner to train there on the dance courses are usually not enough men), buy a suit and shoes, invite his girlfriend in a restaurant with live music, and there - ask her to dance . You will realize the dream of millions of women, and your only will never forget that evening.


Classic suit

Sure, your girlfriend or wife loves you and in jeans, tracksuit Tracksuits: breaking all records  Tracksuits: breaking all records
 And no clothes at all, but she certainly wants from time to time to see you in a classic suit. Why is that? Because there is nothing sexier than a man in a strict, well-fitting suit, and go hand in hand with such a man - an indescribable pleasure for women.


Meeting with her parents

On your initiative. Almost every woman wants to hear from his men the following sentence: "Let's go to your parents? "(As an option - invite them to dinner). Surely you Think regularly with her parents, but it happens, most likely on her initiative. Take the initiative on their own, you show her that you love her family, which is very important for any woman.

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