Women's pick
 If you do not have enough male attention, or you for some reason do not like those men who are usually familiar to you, it's time to take the initiative in their hands. In today's world a woman can do much itself - to vote, to receive an education, to work and to get acquainted with men. You scared the idea that you can make your own approach to please men? Believe me, men too scared to approach women, and some of them prefer to spend the evening quietly in a corner, sipping a beer than to feel a failure when any woman he refuses. It is believed that among healthy people do not happen quite brave: there is only those who give in to fear, and those who overcomes him. To start yourself acquainted with men, need to adhere to the second category of people and understand that the female pick-up - it's not easy, but the result is worth it.


Go to a bar one

To start using the techniques of female pickup Terms pickup: gently but with persistence  Terms pickup: gently but with persistence
 , You need to be in a situation where they may come in handy. To do this is to go to a bar or restaurant is not in the company of friends, and alone Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?  Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?
 . Many women thought of it does not appeal, but in fact, this idea is not as bad as it seems. The ideal choice would be a bar in which you have often visited with friends, and where you have friends bartenders, so you will be someone to talk to while you look around around and get used to the idea that you really came to a place without the company . If you do not hold confidence, you can go to any bar of your choice. Restaurant - less than comfortable place for singles, because there usually come in pairs or companies, and even if the person sitting alone, at least the atmosphere of the restaurant has to dating than the noisy bar in a casual setting. On the other hand, the restaurant is less likely to encounter with an overly insistent courtship of some men, aggression, drunken visitors and other troubles.


Look around at the sides

Consider sitting at the bar men, delaying too long to look and choose the most attractive "object". Of course, your object should be without women. Look at you liked the man as long as he does not respond to your mind, and then his smile. If not against new acquaintances not waiting for another woman, he will come to you.

A more sophisticated option - alone approach the man, if you can not meet his eyes, for example, he was sitting at the bar, and looks around. Proceed according to the situation. For example, if next to it there is an empty chair, I ask him whether it is possible to sit down. If not, protisnites between him and other visitors to the stand to make a booking. If, for example, he was watching a football match on TV (by the way, sports bars - a great place for singles, especially if you are a little bit good at sports), sit or stand nearby and make a comment on the mast. Provided that a man wants to meet you, and you like him, he is sure to take advantage of this opportunity to engage a conversation with you.


Nothing personal

If a man does not respond to your attempts to meet you, do not take it to heart. Perhaps he is not free, wants to be alone, or you just do not belong to the girl of his type. You, too, like not all men without exception, and you do not just reject someone's trying to meet you. It is unpleasant, but these things should not be given importance. Also, do not be offended if, after you have some time to talk with the man, he goes without offering exchange contacts. It can also be a lot of explanations, for example, he just wanted a little chat without any continuation, or something in you he did not like - all of this is perfectly normal: in the end, you can not please everyone.


Smile and joke

If a man came up to you or you - to him, it is not necessary to start communicating with serious conversations about the latest political developments, social problems, and so on. People go to bars to have fun and relax, so it's easy, fun conversation - the best way to please a man. No gloomy so no complaints. To smile, laugh and joke - the next day he will remember you as a person, which was fun, but with such people tend to want to meet again.


Do it compliments

He was well dressed? He has a particular style? Excellent figure? Maybe he had a perfect diction? Emphasise the dignity of man, and he certainly will remember you - because men, unfortunately, very rarely do compliments Compliments  Compliments


Do not be afraid of silence

An awkward silence - this is something most people try to avoid at all costs when we first met. You do not need to do this if you both fell silent, just look the man in the eye and smile; perhaps he too nervous, and painfully trying to think of something to say. Typically, such a pause is not delayed more than a few minutes (although they seem to be just endless), and once you stop worrying about the fact that you sit down and shut up, a topic of conversation comes to mind itself.


Do not drink too much

In some men, a woman in a light drunk cause tenderness, others may attract only completely sober woman (or one who can drink without showing signs of intoxication), but hardly anyone will like the woman who due to the large amount of alcohol consumed talking indistinctly and absolutely can not walk straight. In addition, there are men who can take advantage of this state of women in their own interests. So when you go to a bar and get to know a man, you see the first time in your life, make sure that your mind was clear. It is best to restrict a glass of beer or a glass of wine - it can quietly drink the whole evening, without getting drunk.


Hint to the next meeting

Even after lots of fun with a girl, some men may hesitate to ask her phone number. Do not wait for him to ask, and tell yourself something like: "It was a very nice chat. If you want, you can somehow do it again. I'll give you my number, "or even simpler -" We can somehow meet. " If he wants to meet, after the phrase he asks for your phone.

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