• 10 facts about women or universal delusion Encyclopedia
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 Facts about women
 Some opinions about women, at times, unfair, moreover, they are frank delusions. Why there are certain prejudices? Maybe they are specifically created artificially?

 10 facts about women or universal delusion Encyclopedia

Women are poorly oriented in space

It was listening to a lot: in the Stone Age man took the gun and went out hunting, and the woman remained in the cave. Since then it is believed that the brains of men initially focused on the study of space, while women rely more on emotional memory, memorizing a place as a guide. But one of the facts that will put an end to prejudices about women's inability to navigate in space. In 1997, it was found buried where the skeleton of a woman found Cro-Magnon type. He was surrounded by guns. So who is taken to assert that women never went hunting, and kept a home where men journeyed?

Going back to our time: there are girls who hardly define the way back, when out of the store, and the boys who barely guided in his hometown. But if in the first case, we think that it is normal, in the second it will seem strange. So, you may need to get rid of prejudices?

 10 facts about women or universal delusion Encyclopedia

Women frivolous

From birth, girls dressed in pink - the color lightness, sweetness, romance, which fits them perfectly. And over time, it results in irrational buying shoes on vertiginous heels with two straps attached to the soles and other gizmos impractical. But how can you not understand - this is Dior!

If you are blonde, the situation is even worse. At least, this is a solid majority, confident and even frivolous stupidity of the fair sex. However, tests on the level of intelligence in men and women show similar results, school girls often outperform boys, women and later successfully manage large enterprises. So what do the boys? They are concerned about buying the latest models of gadgets - is it less lightly than the girl's desire to buy a new handbag?

Moreover, women tend to grasp the world from an aesthetic point of view - is the subtlety of thinking that men seem completely devoid.

 10 facts about women or universal delusion Encyclopedia

Women - bad drivers

 Facts about women
 Normal household situation: the family is going on vacation to the countryside. Who sits in the driver's seat? - Of course, man. Why is that? Because women are not able to bring in the right place, they confuse the pedals do not observe traffic rules and on the road all do contrary to common sense.

In France, road safety service in 2003 led the statistics depending on traffic accidents from the floor of the driver. According to the service, the number of accidents that have occurred through the fault of the woman driver, a little more than men, but the average degree of their severity is much lower. Women on the road more careful and cautious than men, which tend to drive at high speeds.

Whence, then, the widespread belief that women - bad drivers? Everything is very simple. They are given fewer opportunities to drive, so driving them feel less confident than men. A stronger sex still tries not to trust their own machines to women of ardent desire to preserve the "iron horse" in its entirety. And continues to this rivalry.

 10 facts about women or universal delusion Encyclopedia

Women love romance

Women love a fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty, a walk in the moonlight, listening to how they read the sonnets, and they continue to dream about the beautiful prince on a white horse. Any woman, according to popular belief, certainly dreams of a lavish wedding in a luxurious white dress. From legs grow a typical method of seduction: if you want a woman to prove their feelings, give her flowers, chocolate, drive to the opera - she did not resist. But soon the man will not give perfume and roses, and bring home provisions and other practical gifts. And that would mean that he gave his heart to a woman.

In the past, when men were more enterprising class, they could proudly show their capabilities and their wealth, thus winning location sweetheart. Now everything has changed. Women become more practical, more initiative, and the decision to divorce in most cases they accept. The reason for the gap is often couples cheating Treason: Fall or loyalty to yourself?  Treason: Fall or loyalty to yourself?
 And in most cases, by the male. So against women appreciate the care and devotion, not just pink romance.

 10 facts about women or universal delusion Encyclopedia

Women are created for motherhood

Maternal instinct a lot of talk, and it is pointless to dispute the existence of which was proved. But this issue does not stop to dot the "i", involving common sense.

There is a fact against which there is nothing to argue - a woman bears a child with whom they are connected by the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is cut off once, but not only a natural way. There have always been women who do not feel a strong maternal instinct and gave their children to education and training anywhere in the village, far away.

At the end of the eighteenth century French writer Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his novel "Emile, or On Education" raised this issue to a new level, forcing her to look at the other side. He showed that the child should be with his mother - it's the best for him. Then the woman began to look for a maternal instinct, based on the negative experience of past generations.

 10 facts about women or universal delusion Encyclopedia

Women are physically weaker than men

The stronger sex and the weaker sex - is common once the division. And let's not so often used, for a long time women were called the weaker sex - the status that they have successfully refuted.

Of course, this statement has its truth. Recall, sports events: in boxing rivals are very strong woman and, nevertheless, they do not fight in the ring with men.

Sometimes, "weak" - a sick, tired, unsure of himself - all this is not too encouraging performance. But whether women are weaker than men? From the point of view of science - not quite. Women seem to tolerate extreme temperatures, famine Psychology and physiology of hunger - the two sides of the same coin  Psychology and physiology of hunger - the two sides of the same coin
 , Fatigue, and many diseases. Even childbirth, many women experience better than their husbands are present with them and observe the process. And do not forget about the fact that life expectancy is higher for women than for men. Hence the weakness of women - no more than a convenient myth.

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