strange theory about aliens
 There are so many things that we do not know about the universe around us. As a result, we had a place to gamble. Subject origin aliens is quite extensive. And there are three of the most bizarre theories about aliens associated with their origins and identity.


Aliens - it's demons

 strange theory about aliens
 "As we enter the XXI century and the new millennium, Satan has inspired us the delusion that if mankind is entering into an important phase of evolution - New Century. The quest for "Global Education" is being distributed in all parts of the universe that can be regarded as a religion of "space". However, if you lift the hazy veil, appears a definite correlation between UFO / alien phenomenon and activity occultists / Satanic.

No, this is not a quote from the cover of Ziggy Stardust, the first paragraph of this essay, Ron Patton, "Demon in a stranger's garb." It argues that the aliens, which we all know and love, in fact, agents of Satan of the modern era.

Ron starts, combining together the Egyptians, Babylonians, Aztecs, Incas and Mayans based on human sacrifice and "sharp" end of civilization. He then joins the gods worshiped by these civilizations, with the beings of the Bible. Phoenix, for example, resembles the basilisk. Continuing to draw parallels with the Bible, it says Giants (Giants of Genesis, a cross between angel with people) and says that they bear a striking resemblance to the image of the aliens taken in Northern culture.

Tying it all together, Ron recalls alien abduction Sky Ambrose. She told her story in a radio broadcast in 1994. She insisted that aliens abducted her and her friend, told them that they (aliens) are the guardians of mankind, the universe rhythmically balanced, the Earth - is the soul of God (this is similar to paganism), and the next race will be a hybrid of humans and aliens - giants.

Ron finishes his work, clearly stating his belief that aliens are demons literally, and that the concept of universal enlightenment only brings us back to the path of ancient civilizations: human sacrifice and worship the devil.


Aliens - angels or God

 strange theory about aliens
 There is another side of the coin in the history of "aliens - it is evil demons", but evidence of it are the same. Those who are not seriously affected by all these things with the Nephilim / Giants, will be wondering what in the Book of Enoch, the story is told in more detail: two hundred angels, who are called the Guardians, defied God and began to breed with human females. And if they have not done enough to ruffle the Almighty, it also occurred to me to share the "no wisdom" with people. This refers to the metal, meteorology, witchcraft and astrology. These guards have become fallen angels when God told them to stay on the ground. Then he sent a great flood to destroy the Giants and humans.

Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman, proponents of the theory of ancient astronauts, have expressed the idea that the guards were actually aliens who wanted to help humanity (and probably still get "something" on the side). Erich von Däniken, author of Chariots of the Gods, it displays all the eerie thing to a new level, suggesting that the angels who visited Lot's family, had a couple of aliens who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with nuclear weapons.

In 1956, Morris Jessup suggested that there are biblical reports of UFOs in the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel. The first chapter of Ezekiel meets the cloud that emits fire and lightning. Center fire appeared metallic and it housed four winged creatures. Each was accompanied by four metal objects described as a wheel within a wheel, which followed every movement of the creatures.

Finally, another common theory says that Mary was artificially inseminated by aliens, and that Christ himself was an alien.

These theories are most commonly associated with the book "Chariots of the Gods" by Erich von Daniken. Nevertheless, Jessup made his version much earlier and has published several books on the subject. Although many consider his grandfather UFO movement, work Jessup was largely disregarded.


Aliens - yascherolyudi reptilians

 strange theory about aliens
 Reptiles everywhere. This theory was famously championed the writer and not a crazy person David Icke, who claimed that reptilians, humanoid reptile aliens live among us in the secret underground base and penetrated all forms of government, controlling the fate of humanity and the planet. They still drink the blood ...

Surprisingly, or perhaps not surprising, depending on how much faith you have in humanity theory Ike has followers in more than forty countries. Because of the prevalence of other people have the theory and began to develop it, creating a very interesting (if not insane) theories about the reptilians.

Anyway, there is a version that the reptilians are proportional to the size of the people. Their outstanding scaly skin and obvious draconian features.

Along with the physical description it is also known that the reptilians are interested in the Earth because it was one of their ancient outposts, and they tend to return it, because their own planet is no longer habitable. They infiltrated our planet with the aim of enslaving or destroying that apparently depends on the mood of the author's stories.

Proponents of this theory argue that living among us for almost two thousand Reptilians, among which the number (but of course it's not all) George W. Bush, Barack Obama, the British royal family, and even the singer Boxcar Willie. Virtually any person who holds an important position (or a record deal) is yascherochelovekom.

If you thought that all of this sounds a little familiar, then you probably watched the TV series «V» («Visitors"), in which masked lizards capture the planet. However, the origin of this idea belongs to 1935. Then in the newspaper "Los Angeles Times" published an article, which describes the discovery of the underground cities belonging to people living under the ground-lizards.

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