tips moms how to fill energy reserves
 Our kids are always full of energy, but they do not mind taking a nap in the afternoon. Why is this happening? Education of children - it is joy, work that brings rich rewards, but at the same time, work, pretty exhausting and debilitating. You have to be alert 24 hours a day and seven days a week, mothers do not put a weekend or a hospital. Very often parents are so focused on the education and care of children, which completely forget about yourself. This is fundamentally the wrong approach, which harms not only you but also your children.

Ideally, the mother, who was able to sleep for eight hours wakes up cheerful and energetic. But many of us know firsthand that in real life this is not seen. Perhaps a few tips to help you replenish energy and strength.

 9 useful tips for moms: how to make up for the energy reserves

Drink at least a bottle of water a day

Even slight dehydration has a negative effect on the body, even in this case, and you do not feel thirsty. However, you may feel fatigue, headache Headache  Headache
 , General fatigue. Experts advise to take a break and drink a bottle of water, it will help to cheer up and will provide a burst of energy.

 9 useful tips for moms: how to make up for the energy reserves

Take a bath or shower

Sometimes, to feel like a totally new person, it is sufficient to take off clothes

 9 useful tips for moms: how to make up for the energy reserves

Do not be afraid to be a "bad mother"

To feel a burst of energy and new forces, even a five-minute break in the child care benefit. There is nothing wrong to leave the children for a while watching TV, or after putting the baby to bed, take a walk in the yard and enjoy the fresh air for at least 15-20 minutes. Children can just turn on cartoons or interesting educational programs. The kids will be interesting and such a minute "independence" like them much more than a permanent stay under your watchful eye.

 9 useful tips for moms: how to make up for the energy reserves

Movement is life

It is proved that regular exercise is much better to help replenish energy than short breaks for sleep during the day. However, it is not necessary to think about that during the day you have to pay certain amount of time to sports. Do not torture yourself workouts, do exercises that you can do. Take the wheelchair and walk with the baby in the park or at home do some stretching exercises. You can download the program from reminders to your computer, do not forget to make such breaks. Play together with your children run around, go rollerblading in the park. If the weather does not allow to go out into the street, play house in the active video games such as tennis, or simply turn on the music and dance to.

 9 useful tips for moms: how to make up for the energy reserves

Do not skip breakfast!

You never send a child home without feeding him breakfast. And rightly so, but if you do eat breakfast? A cup of coffee is not equivalent to a healthy breakfast, and even two cups will not improve the situation. The results showed that the main charge of energy that will be needed during the day, we get from the food that used the morning during breakfast.

 9 useful tips for moms: how to make up for the energy reserves

Watch for blood sugar levels

In moments of weariness and devastation hand she reaches for a chocolate bar or a breath of sweet drinks. Common situation? You feel a sharp burst of energy and strength, but a short time later feel even more tired than before. Sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels gives a feeling of vitality and growth. But it is better during the day to do small snacks to keep blood sugar stable. For example, a couple of hours after lunch, you can eat a banana with peanut butter, even after two hours - yogurt with honey The benefits of honey: tasty recovery  The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
 . Wear your purse or light snacks cookies that contain carbohydrates and proteins, such food contributes to a slow and balanced flow of energy. As a snack Low calorie snacks  Low calorie snacks
   You can use nuts or dried fruit, crackers and protein bars, a small amount of vegetables or mashed chickpeas.

 9 useful tips for moms: how to make up for the energy reserves

Change clothes!

This advice may seem ridiculous, but in fact it has a ring of common sense. If you spend the whole day in pajamas or a stretched an old sweater, on a psychological level, it affects your health. In such clothes you will soon feel tired, fatigue and apathy. It is not necessary to wear a suit or skirt, just change into comfortable pants and top - you feel like a different person.

 9 useful tips for moms: how to make up for the energy reserves

Do not skimp on sleep

Of course, if you have a small child, eight hours of sound sleep - is not always available for you to enjoy, but five hours are definitely not enough. Unfortunately, there is no objective means capable to remedy the lack of sleep, and the amount of caffeine that enters your body will not be able to change the situation. The desire to replenish energy by means of lethal doses of coffee or sugar aggravates the feeling of nervousness and fatigue, and may also cause excessive weight. Try the following experiment: each day go to bed an hour earlier than the usual time. Do not linger at the TV or the computer. By the beginning of next week, you will definitely feel a surge of strength and energy.

 9 useful tips for moms: how to make up for the energy reserves

Spend time with your child

Sometimes a short break in the care of the child helps to feel more energetic and active, but the time spent with your child is also able to provide you with a surge of strength and energy. The secret is how you spend the time, what you are doing.

Just play with your child fifteen minutes, completely given game, step back from the problems of other thoughts, I do not think about time. If you only think about what to put children than feed them what time to withdraw for a walk and when to go home, not surprising that at the end of the day you feel like a squeezed lemon. But to make a difference in your power.

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