As a child I loved fairy tales. I loved them in the performance of father and mother, then she took into account a small volume of tales of the peoples of the world. I liked the unusual plot twists, fabulous heroes, beautiful princesses and, of course, Prince. What could be without them. Cinderella - most golden of all the fairy tales, sweet whispering in my ear: "Be nice, modest girl, a lot of work, think less about boys, and he will come." He will come and solve all the problems, expel stepmother, give my father a house in the village and a pension, and you will take away to distant lands, waving scarlet sails. So, in a nutshell.

When I became older, subconsciously I molded all his relationships with young people in the image of children's fairy tales. I can not say that this was easier for me or that I become happy, but it was. I was guided by a short guide to a man planted in every love affair, and waited, waited, waited forever, but when he shows this same initiative. And later, when the initiative was barely manifested, I sat in the middle of the room and then taken to wait, when my prince, or someone whom the time I appointed to this position, take care of all my problems, leaving me to gather in the park flowers. And as I was shed tears because of the princes, who refused to play this game.

But really, how do we, modern girls draw their own ideas about what should be the relationship between the sexes. Even as a child, we say: the girl should be modest. Do not stick out, was not present. I wonder if all remained modest, the task of obtaining the prestigious competition work for us would not be solved. As it was in the nineteenth century. But at this time the boys say, "what are you a coward? Give him back. You should be able to insist on his own. Men do not cry". In short, all the slogans necessary to win.

I hit wildly avalanche of tabloid novels, total plot is reduced to one and the same. She, poor defenseless beauty, an orphan who has one dress for all four seasons gets into a horrible cover, from which there can be no way out. Modest quietly adds legs and ready to die. And then, like a rabbit out of a hat he appears. Strong, smart, a little lazy, a little blase. A very rich and terribly lonely. Do not over forty. Seeing what's happening is a disgrace, immediately save the cutie at the same time and falls in love and takes Beret - a symbol of French charm  Beret - a symbol of French charm
   over all its further life problems.

Can talk about such a scenario? Only one. Prince Charming like dried fish jerky. Minimum initiatives, plus a maximum of mediocrity long legs. And the second. Nothing to flutter and try something there in life to achieve. If destined, God, and so will the man who would find in us the hidden priceless dignity and love for them. It was then, and you can finally lie down on the stove in his (Prince's) funds.

And yet the princes themselves a completely different opinion. The results of a survey conducted among married and unmarried men from thirty to forty years, have shown that they (respondents) do not consider the fair a situation where one has to feed her husband and pull your whole family. They say that now because life is very hard, and the money are hard, they would like for themselves and are looking for women who are able to create a harmonious union of two equal partners. And in this case, they are even willing to take on roles traditionally considered feminine. That is to say, to wash their dishes and personally shove socks in the washing machine.

Our myths about how many women should a man in everyday life handed down by our grandmothers suffered war and get after it in the everyday life of one man for ten. Of course, in this situation accept plow for two, and even after work and do all the washing and feed the whole family. If only, as they say, do not run away to another. In those days, even just manage to by anyone to have a child one already revered for great happiness. And if we love, then at all.

However, the worst post-war period has sunk into oblivion, leaving us with only their remnants and fears. And now it's time to think about what we really want. Because in order to be happy, you do not just know exactly what you want, but also to strive to do all showers. And if it's time the strong, distinctive and bright women, the shortest way to a handsome prince - to become her.

Tatiana Vedenskaya, author, lawyer and consultant - especially for the "Women's Club"

Publisher "Stolitsa-Print" 2005 is already on sale in Moscow TD

Women's happiness too fragile. The heroine of the novel, Olga Petrova left alone with two children, no money, and work with a bunch of problems. She has an age-old question "What to do". And she decides it, maximizing the chances that gives a woman modern Moscow. Not much time it took heroin to realize not only the housewife burdened with complexes and children, but also a smart, young, sexy woman, able to move mountains and change lives for the better. Although there is no suitable for all prescription female happiness Female happiness - at everyone?  Female happiness - at everyone?
 Olga Petrova found her and is willing to share it with you.

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