Clitoral orgasm: it is easy and simple?
 It is true the view that the clitoral orgasm is the easy to reach for the fair sex. Medical statistics show that this type of orgasm is available in almost every woman, because the clitoris is either underdeveloped penis, or the prototype of the penis (this as anyone), so innervation and sensitivity of the glans of the clitoris is quite similar or even higher than the innervation of the glans penis. Hence the ease of achieving orgasm through clitoral stimulation of the clitoris - the most important organ, is very sensitive to mechanical stimuli, from which the signal is directly in the center of pleasure.

 Clitoral orgasm: it is easy and simple?

And how, exactly?

Pronounced clitoral orgasm in women is associated with one disadvantage - under normal and most common positions (missionary position, man on top) clitoral stimulation during intercourse occurs. It is clear that such a position in sex with a partner should not apply, for a woman deprives most vivid sensations.

To achieve clitoral orgasm easily by clitoral stimulation - and best of all this process can control the woman.

To hesitate to help themselves during sex hand? It's hard to explain the degree of falsity and absurdity of this delusion. Well, for example: you do not hesitate to salt the dish to make it taste better, is not it? It is not blush, reaching for the salt shaker, right?

Although the girls masturbate (monoseksa as it is now sometimes called) is developed in a much smaller scale than that of peer-boys (experts say about 20% of the girls practicing masturbation before the start of regular physical contacts), but it is of interest on 99, 9 - is it is the clitoral orgasm. If hypersensitivity clitoris "invent" it for yourself can almost every girl, even accidental contact. And yet - thongs, tight underwear, some sports - that they are provocateurs early clitoral orgasm!

Incidentally, while the clitoral orgasm, a woman actively compresses the hips and straining all the muscles of the pelvic organs, there is a "learning" of the body to get an orgasm without clitoral stimulation mechanical, so it comes psevdovaginalnom orgasm, based on muscle contraction and erotic fantasies.

 Clitoral orgasm: it is easy and simple?

Your tongue - my friend

Fertile topic cunnilingus, ie oral-genital contact as "giving" side is a woman. Stimulation of the clitoris tongue, lips and mouth - might be the most interesting thing that has to offer in the sector of advanced (and sometimes final caresses) intelligent and caring man to his partner.

In the case of cunnilingus, of course, we are again talking about the female orgasm. Stimulation of the clitoris well excites a woman, and only her choose whether to continue sex to orgasm on the traditional pattern after a few sweet minutes of cunnilingus. Or working language of the man have for a long time without being distracted by traditional sex. And even better - to make it traditional, the second dish for dear friend.

But that's what has to remember any partner - bikini, big and small lips, and especially the clitoris itself so delicate and sensitive that the power is not needed. And if still stiff bristles, then ... instead of pleasure the woman will receive the torture!

 Clitoral orgasm: it is easy and simple?

Clitoral orgasm - in every house

No woman in the world will not give up cunnilingus if it is devoid of unintelligent bigotry and hypocritical moralizing. The very nature of a woman donated joy - clitoral orgasm - in some human cultures literally nipped in the bud: and now in some tribes practiced the so-called female circumcision, that is, removal of the clitoris. The horror and barbarism, in other words not to pick up.

So any man who knows how to appreciate a woman must help her get a discharge at each sexual contact. Including encouraging partner to the self-stimulation of the clitoris during sex.

A woman should feel the deepest trust in a partner that not only did not hesitate to do it with him, but also to receive an additional psychological pleasure and excitement from the fact that a loved one is going through with it, so sweet moments and oversees its activities. Oh how kind of masturbating woman gets a man to talk too.

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