• Exercises for quick weight loss - lose weight sensibly
  • The complex

 a set of exercises for quick weight loss

A set of exercises for quick weight loss

Sometimes you need to lose weight quickly, and so that it does not hurt the appearance of not limp skin, hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   and nails do not lose their color and luster, as is often the case when a rigid diet. To help in this case can only exercise. But such intensive systems only by the young who do not have chronic diseases to people. The principles of losing weight has long been known: you have to expend more energy than you get. It would appear, hence can be concluded that the more raskhoduesh energy, the greater will grow thin.

But there it was, our body has a very complex device, including it is perfectly protected from the loss of power as soon as our subconscious picks up that energy is spent too much, are included defenses in the form of "wolf" appetite, which helps to harvest energy for the future, that is to hoard fat.

The defense mechanism is activated under extreme diets: a person becomes sluggish, relaxed, losing little energy and even puts it in reserve. That is why at the most strict diet may be better. The best option - a combination of a balanced diet (with the exception of easily digestible carbohydrates and animal fats) with moderate, but constantly increasing physical activity.

As is well known, permanent sports with high physical activity may reflect badly on the state of health, in particular, on the state of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, it makes no sense to use such load for weight loss, can only undermine the health, thus reaching its main goal - weight loss.

If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, then it is better to carry out physical exercises in two stages: first, gradually accustom your body for increasing the intensity of loads (criterion here is the absence of dyspnea), and then perform the full range completely.

In addition to the complex of exercises for quick weight loss How to quickly lose weight without harm to health  How to quickly lose weight without harm to health
   it is necessary to engage in walking, running, swimming, etc. In general, these exercises must take at least one hour a day, they must be held with a moderate load, but for a long time, preferably continuously. The reason that the load should be continued for at least an hour is that to obtain the energy required for the job, the body first uses a previously unused carbohydrates (they are the main daily energetic materials) and only after all carbohydrates are used in the course of are fat stores. Depending on the amount of carbohydrates in the body is their use for about an hour.

Any exercise can be done by alternating different degrees of intensity. For example, brisk walking for a good minute to replace a slow pace during the same period. And remember that all the exercises you need to do to be able to easily fatigue.


An exemplary set of exercises for quick weight loss

Quickly lose weight helps a combination of exercise endurance (cardio - walking, running, swimming, etc.) with exercise, such as such:

  • be straight, feet shoulder-width apart, slowly raise your arms forward, up and down through the side (start from 5 times to reach 20);
  • be straight, feet shoulder-width apart, bend forward, trying to get his head on the knee (to start with a 5-fold, to reach 20);
  • original standing position, feet shoulder width apart, bend down in turn in different directions (start 5 times in each direction, to end at 15);
  • squat from a standing position with a straight back (to start with a 5-fold, to reach 30);
  • standing to do sharp movements across the foot (mahi), first forward, then backward alternately different legs (start with 5 times each leg, to reach 20) ;.
  • starting position lying on the back; elongated straight leg raise (both) with elongated toes (start from 5 times to reach 20);
  • starting position lying on his back, hands behind his head; raise the body in a sitting position, and you can catch on the toes of some stable object such as the edge of the bed or the couch (start from 5 times to reach 20);
  • starting position lying on back with legs bent; move in different sides of the basin (3 start times on each side, complete - 10);
  • standing home position, by a small dumbbell (0, 5 to 1 kg); slowly raise your hands up through the sides and also slowly lower (repeat 2-3 times to reach 5-10);
  • original standing position, hands behind his back; take the side right leg so that the elongated toe touched the ground, torso forward, that it is parallel to the floor, right leg raised as high as possible, slowly bend and straighten it in the knee, then return to starting position and do the exercise with the other leg ( start with 3-4 times to reach 15);
  • starting position lying on your side with your knees bent at an angle, hands behind head, elbows out to the sides; straining abdominal muscles, pull your knees off the floor, lifting your upper body at the same time; repeat all, lying on his left side; (start with 5 times on each side, and reach up to 15).

Exercise and active lifestyle combined with proper nutrition Proper nutrition: I stopped eating at night  Proper nutrition: I stopped eating at night
   without extreme diets will make your figure perfect.

  Galina Romanenko

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