feng shui bedroom as a place bed
 The bedrooms would be great if they were spacious, square room with one door and one window, and they would have enough space where you could put a bed. However, the bedrooms are not always, and when we need to put a bed in the bedroom, we often encounter the space of forms, the presence of several doors or windows, as well as wardrobes and dressing, which can not be moved. How to place the bed in the bedroom feng shui?

Posted in bed, we have to proceed from the fact that we have, and you should not be too upset if you can not adhere to all the principles of the ideal placement of the bed. Acting on the principles of Feng Shui, you work with what you have, and you can always make changes to cope with any problem.

There are five main principles which should be followed by placing the bed in the bedroom.


Principle 1 - The bed should stand up for the middle line of the room

Stand in the doorway of your bedroom and take a look at it. You see the front half of the room (near the door) and the back half of the room. Your bed should ideally be located in the back half of the room, as this will give you a greater sense of security and protection, and therefore provide you with a more restful sleep. If the size or shape of your bedroom does not allow to do so, you can either create a barrier between the door and the bed, for example, putting a screen or a chest of drawers or hang from the ceiling composition of the "music of wind" between the door and the bed.

 feng shui bedroom as a place bed


Principle 2 - For the bed should be a solid wall

Sturdy wall behind the bed gives a feeling of safety and security. The ideal position of the bed - if it is at the back of the head of the outer wall of the house, as it is the safest place. If this is not possible, the easiest way out - make sure that the headboard is very strong, made of solid wood and covered with a very thick material. If in the headboard is a window, be sure to close its light-proof curtains or heavy curtains which need to be closed when you are in bed.

 feng shui bedroom as a place bed


Principle 3 - When you're in bed, you should be visible door

When you see a door, it gives you a feeling of greater security. If you can not see the door, while the ideal solution would mirror that in other cases, it is not recommended for the bedroom. But in this case it would be appropriate to a small mirror, which must be carefully positioned so that, while in bed, you can see the door, but do not see themselves.

 feng shui bedroom as a place bed


Principle 4 - The bed should not be in line with the door

Lying in bed, you should not be in the position of the so-called coffin, meaning your feet should not point in the direction of the doorway. You should also not lie at 90 degrees to the door. To solve these problems, you need to either create a fence between the door and the bed or hang from the ceiling decoration of the "music of wind" between the door and the bed.

 feng shui bedroom as a place bed


Principle 5 - Chi energy must circulate freely around the bed

To qi circulates around the bed, it must be open on three sides, and the wall is not raised. If the size or shape of your bedroom does not allow it to do, then, to allow the energy to flow harmoniously, should be put under the bed a large piece of red cloth, which will create the effect of stimulation of any stagnant or limited energy.

So there is no problem that can not be solved by placing the bed in the bedroom, and the ideal location it can not always be put into practice.

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  • Feng Shui
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