How to achieve vaginal orgasm
 Recent statistics relevant research draw very disappointing picture - about a third of Russian women who have sex, never experienced an orgasm with a man. About 15% of women experience an orgasm is not for every sex. How to achieve vaginal orgasm, if the phenomenon proves to be quite rare?

If you try to call for help online get a lot of general recommendations from sexologists, but no specific advice is not found. And it's all because of the nature of vaginal orgasm is very individual for each woman.

To seek a solution to your problem personally, it is necessary not to the virtual and the real professional. He, and only after the examination, certain tests and long conversations, consultations (often for this and held talks with her husband) will be able to determine the cause of a lack of vaginal orgasm. When the cause is known, then you can begin a conscious and purposeful battle for the vaginal orgasm.

 How to achieve vaginal orgasm: the difficult nuances

The struggle for vaginal orgasm all or something?

Except in cases of obvious abnormalities, ie physiological inability to get an orgasm (sexual coldness or frigidity), every woman is predisposed to orgasm. To a greater or lesser degree, of course. Another thing is that vaginal orgasm is often pronounced or weak, or blocked by the intensity of clitoral orgasm.

Generally sexologists distinguished women not only clitoral and vaginal, but also non-genital orgasm.

The latter case, kissing, touching, under the influence of the gentle sense of words, with a passionate embrace, during the massage. "Lyrics" in a word, so much meaningful for the fair sex: every tenth woman has an orgasm, is capable of that. Legend says that when he sang castrato Farinelli, many women in the audience experienced an orgasm! What are they thinking at the time and who were - is unknown. But, if the legend is true, then a high-pitched sound waves probably entering into resonance with the uterus, can cause an orgasm.

Those sexologists operate on the following data: only 3 out of 10 women orgazmiruet he has pronounced vaginal nature, everything else falls on His Majesty the clitoris.

 How to achieve vaginal orgasm: the difficult nuances

Nature vaginal orgasm

Vaginal orgasm is manifested as a result of a long and strong enough to stimulate the nerve endings of the vagina. Therefore it is possible with absolute certainty that in women with well-developed intimate muscles vaginal orgasm is not uncommon. The literature describes cases where women learn to have an orgasm just by sitting on a chair or in a chair and intensively reducing the corresponding muscle-relaxing - it is also a kind of vaginal orgasm.

Another of its variety (but then experts have unanimity) - cervical or uterine orgasm is achieved with stimulation of the cervical length of the penis head with deep thrusting.

 How to achieve vaginal orgasm: the difficult nuances

Can we learn to experience vaginal orgasm?

To help vibrators may come from the woman who is not distracted by the presence of men and can relax completely. If there is no feeling that you are doing something shameful, that you - depraved or defective, it is likely to orgasm occurs. Do not forget the point G, which, as a rule, failures and does not provide an orgasm.

If this way of vaginal orgasm has been achieved, we can congratulate a woman. Now we must learn to feel when having sex with a beloved man. And here it is useful and common wishes, the recommendations from the Internet: trust your partner, looseness, lack of deeply hidden feeling that sex - is not quite good, full impact their feelings and lack vneorgazmennyh thoughts on where to get the money to repay the loan. Pose the same as thought to be suitable: it re-stimulation of the Grafenberg point.

And it is not worth while making love to think about how you look right now - we must listen to the growing feelings within yourself and prepare to meet the rolls vaginal orgasm.

And his hand to help, if it is late. In the end, who cares what it's called?

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