to equip the bedroom feng shui
 A good bedroom feng shui - a bedroom that ensures a harmonious flow of the make-up and sensual energy. A good bedroom feng shui - a bedroom that invites you, lures, pleasing and soothing at the same time. Being in the bedroom fun and enjoyable, whether you want it a little rest, a good night's sleep, or indulge in a passionate love. To equip the bedroom feng shui, you can use the simple howto.

 How to arrange the bedroom feng shui - 7 basic rules

  • Council № 1. Get rid of the TV, computer or exercise equipment in your bedroom.

The good feng shui energy in your bedroom is broken, if it contains these items.

  • Council № 2. Most open a window or use a good quality air purifier, so it was fresh and full of oxygen.

Pay attention to the quality of air in your bedroom. Your bedroom can not be good in terms of Feng Shui, if the air that you breathe, stagnant and full of dirt. Please note that plants in the bedroom - it's not good, except that the bedroom is spacious enough, and the plants are located far from the bed.

 to equip the bedroom feng shui
  • Council № 3. Arrange the lighting in the bedroom at different levels, or use the dimmer to adequately distribute the energy.

Good, proper lighting is important, as the light - this is the strongest source of our energy. Candles - it is the best feng shui bedroom lighting, but be sure that the candles that you buy do not contain toxins.

 to equip the bedroom feng shui
  • Council № 4. Use soothing colors to achieve a good feng shui balance in your bedroom.

The decor of the bedroom feng shui - a balanced decor that provides the best flow of energy for restorative sleep, as well as sexual healing. The best colors for the bedroom feng shui - the so-called "color", and we know that the human skin color varies from pale to chocolate brown. Choose colors within this range that are best for your bedroom decor.

  • Council № 5. With wisdom choose images for your bedroom, because the images are powerful feng shui energy.

The best advice on feng shui for pictures in the bedroom - it is to choose the images you want to observe in your life. If you do not like to be sad and lonely, do not put an image of sadness and loneliness Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?  Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?
   in her bedroom.

 to equip the bedroom feng shui
  • Council № 6. With respect to the bed, use the best feng shui rules.

By the bed should be free access on both sides. On each side of the bed put bedside tables Do not place the bed on the same line with the door.

The bed, which looks good and well balanced, it is very important to create the perfect feng shui bedroom. Good mattress, solid foundation and bed linen of high quality natural materials are also very important in creating harmonious feng shui energy.

 to equip the bedroom feng shui
  • Council № 7. At night, close all doors, located in the bedroom, whether the cabinet door or the bathroom, the entrance to which is located in the bedroom, or the door of the bedroom.

This will allow the best and most enriching the flow of energy to strengthen your health and the health of your relationship. If you have a wardrobe standing in the bedroom, clean and tidy, it will strengthen the feeling of peace in your bedroom.

The idea of ​​a perfect feng shui bedroom for different people may be different, but all have something that unites us, and key words here - the pleasure and dream. A good feng shui bedroom for each item reflects the pure intentions - love, healing and recreation.

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  • Feng Shui
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