how to get rid of belly fat by yoga
 Yoga - a kind of exercise that have arisen in India thousands of years ago. Many people find yoga Yoga - the way to preserve youth and health of skin  Yoga - the way to preserve youth and health of skin
   way of life and practice it for many years. For those who are presently engaged in yoga, the aim is to achieve good physical shape as well as a normal mental state. Fitness is achieved through a series of yoga poses that strengthen and stretch the muscles and burn fat. There are poses that are aimed specifically at the abdomen, they help reduce fat and strengthen muscles.

 How to get rid of belly fat by yoga: philosophy of movement

  • Standing do stretching to side. This is an excellent exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles, burn excess fat. Stand erect, feet shoulder width apart, arms at the sides of the torso. Lift one hand upwards and obliquely outwards as possible. Return to starting position and repeat the same with the other hand.
  • Become a pose of a cat. This is a great stretching posture, tightens and strengthens abdominal muscles. Get on your hands and knees, feet slightly apart. Make sure you are looking forward and your back perfectly straight. Vygniet back arc, so it was like a vault. Then slowly return back to the starting position and look up. Linger at each position for about two seconds and then repeat five to ten times.
  • Become a pose of locusts. Lie down on his stomach on the mat, his arms and legs apart as far as possible. Raise your arms, chest, head and legs at the same time and hold in this position for about 2-5 seconds, and then lower down. You can stretch your arms forward and make them a circular motion toward the buttocks. This posture makes the work your abdominal muscles and fully engages them in order that they burn fat.
  • Be in the position of the bridge. This is a great exercise to burn fat on the abdomen and the abdominal muscles stretch. Lie flat on your back, knees bent, and placed them in a small distance from each other. Put your hands on the sides of the torso and thigh lift, while not taking away from the floor of the head, shoulders and legs. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds and lower your hips to the floor. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
  • Make a twist to the abdominals of yoga. Lie back on the mat. Raise legs up, put your hands behind your head to support your back. Using the abdominal muscles, push your legs up, raising the buttocks 2-3 inches from the floor. Perform 15-20 repetitions of this exercise three times a week.

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  • belly fat,
  • yoga
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