how to lose fat from the abdomen using Pilatesmu
 While belly fat is easy to type, it is very difficult to lose. Many people find that even if, in general, they lose weight and changing body fat on the stomach have persistently remains in place. To win this fat, you need a special strategy, part of which could be Pilates. This fitness program will help you not only lose fat from the abdomen, but also to strengthen it and give tone.

 How to lose fat from the abdomen with the help of Pilates: Make the right program

  • Learn some of the basic exercises of Pilates, like a hundred, circle leg pose strap, folding, stretching and stretching the legs, torso twists and scissors sitting to incorporate them into their daily training program. These exercises are very effective for strengthening and stretching your major muscle. They not only burn more calories, but also help to eliminate belly fat. Do the exercises a few days until you feel comfortable, and then include them in their daily training program. Keep your muscles tense and draw the belly as much as possible during the exercise of Pilates. Keep this position throughout the exercise to increase the body's ability to burn fat.
  • Sit on the gym ball instead of a conventional chair while you do your exercise. This will cause your abdominal muscles to be constantly active. Or you can just watch your stomach throughout the day. Arrange a break between classes every two hours, going for a walk or simply relax muscles.
  • Add in its program of cardio exercise at least three or four times a week. Any kind of cardio or aerobic exercise to help lose weight and drop fat, especially fat around the waist. Cardio exercises burn a lot of calories so that your stomach has to release stored glucose, as a result you lose excess fat. These exercises include walking, jogging, dancing, step aerobics, cycling and training on orbitrek.
  • Establish a regime of healthy eating Healthy eating  Healthy eating
 . Even if you turn out Pilates exercises in the program, you will be very difficult to burn belly fat, if you do not watch your diet. Eat more fruits, vegetables, protein and whole grains. Avoid fatty foods with a high content of sugar and trans fats. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day because water helps to leave excess fat, but avoid fizzy sugary drinks as they cause bloating Bloating - when you need to go to the doctor?  Bloating - when you need to go to the doctor?
  • Follow the strategy Pilates, avoiding stress. When you're under stress, your body produces a chemical called cortisol, which is stored as glucose in fat cells. Because of that belly fat so stubborn and difficult to lose. If you find ways to get rid of stress, you quickly lose excess fat. In this case, very effective yoga, meditation Meditation and women's health  Meditation and women's health
   and massage.

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Article Tags:
  • belly fat,
  • fitness
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