how to sleep better
 Studies have shown that listening to classical or relaxed evening of jazz music with the tempo of 60-80 beats per minute, and promotes more restful deep sleep. What else can help improve sleep?

Women are more likely than men to give importance to what side of the bed they sleep.

Yoga is considered the left side of the body, "calm", so if you are worried, try to lie on your left side.

Children often have special signals (such as milk or warm bath), who subconsciously adjust the brain that it's time to go to bed. With age, people often replace relaxing stimulating signals - such as watching television or a glass of wine. While any useful signal, it is better for it to be a relaxing, such as special exercises for relaxation.

  • Do breathing exercises before going to bed, while relaxing the muscles. Inhale and exhale through the nose should be. We often inhale more than breathe, so the exercises concentrate on the exhale.
  • If you wake up at night, do not look at the clock, not to provoke anxiety and stress.
  • If you wake up at night and can not sleep, you try to concentrate on one word-purpose, for example, "dissolve", and on his own breath.
  • Returning home after work, change into other clothes, to give a signal to the brain that the working day is over and it's time to rest.
  • Do not use and do not eat in bed.
  • Pale green - the perfect color for the wallpaper in the bedroom, which has a calming effect.
  • Caffeine affects people in different ways, but if you have trouble sleeping, try not to drink beverages containing caffeine Caffeine - enemy or friend?  Caffeine - enemy or friend?
 , afternoon.
  • Products that help to better sleep: warm milk, soy, poultry meat (especially turkey), bananas, oatmeal, yogurt, whole grains, rice, beans, lentils, seafood, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts.

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