love at first sight
 Does love at first sight? Many people say that there is, and even claim that they fall in love that way. But people who do not believe in such love too much. They believe that at first glance may be sympathy, craving, but love - this is a much deeper sense, and that it has developed in the human soul, it takes time.

Discussing the theme of love at first sight, we first need to decide what we mean by the first look. Seeing the first time on the screen or in the pages of Brad Pitt, you can fall in love? Probably most people will tell you that you can feel sexual desire, but love - barely. Stories of love at first sight begin with a personal meeting of two people, and a living look at each other, rather than the image of man. Similar stories when people saw each other for the first time, understand that they want to live together for the rest of his life can be found in books and movies, and sometimes they tell you to familiar people who, like, why do not deceive you. On the other hand - as you can in a split second to realize that you have met the person who will be your reliable partner, with whom you will be able to transfer any difficulties?


The arguments "against"

The arguments against the existence of love at first sight are usually based on two assumptions .  Firstly, it is believed that at the first meeting of people lacking knowledge about the characteristics of each other, needed to had such a profound sense of how love .  Therefore, for the love at first sight take a strong liking or sexual attraction, which, indeed, may occur very quickly .  Second, it is assumed that people have to spend a certain time together, get the shared experience between them there was an attachment, without which there can be no love .  In other words, to ensure that there was love enough sympathy for a person's appearance; You need to know what is the level of his intellect, his beliefs, his sense of humor to evaluate, and so on .  Love can emerge only after you know the person well enough, and one look - like a goodbye - it is clearly not enough .

Besides, it has repeatedly pointed out that people tend to attribute certain qualities to others based on their appearance. Beautiful people tend to ascribe good qualities, and they also often fall in love at first sight. The initial judgments may be wrong, and often leads to disappointment, even though it could happen not immediately. This "love" at first sight appears on the basis of false representations, and therefore can not be considered real.

If the same people who at first sight have experienced a strong liking to each other, then indeed got married and lived together for a happy life, it is all just a coincidence - a rare, but not impossible.


Arguments "for"

And what is, in general, love? Proponents of the existence of love at first sight offer each person to ask this question. No answer, but tried to answer this question millions of people, among them - representatives of the genius of mankind. If we do not know what love is, can we fairly judge whether arising between people feeling that they call love, true or not. The answer, obviously, is no.

However, even if we leave aside the debate about the terminology that argument opponents of the existence of love at first sight still will not look very convincing .  For example, they believe that love can only be a man whom you know well .  In fact, many people love - or at least experiencing a strong and lasting affection - even though that is not very well aware of their partners .  You can love a very private people (who, by the way, attracted by its mystery), or not free - because of the relatively rare communication no way to know them well, but it often does not interfere with love .  Finally, you can love a man who in a few years will make the relationship something like that, which is why you feel that you did not know it before ... Here we come to another problem: what is - to know a person? How well a person needs to know, to love him? On these issues, too, no single answer, but everyone understands that even a long-term dialogue is not enough to know what is really different (though, to understand themselves - at least, if not more difficult) .  And if a man can not really know any of the second, when your eyes meet the first time or for a few months and years, if there is reason to believe that in the months and years to fall in love is possible, and at first glance - it is impossible?

The first meeting is quite possible to fall in love with a man, and a few months - to get used to it and gradually begin to understand it, and as a result, and there is a deep sense that is commonly called love. It is not necessary to dismiss the intuition, which sometimes helps us to choose the right path, a suitable date for an important meeting, as well as ideal partners. Maybe it's love at first sight - it is a manifestation of intuition, when you do not realize what has happened, but the subconscious knows that you have met the person who needs you.


Love at first sight - an indicator of a happy future together?

Do I have to follow your heart, even against logic and reveal the soul of love at first sight? This question is difficult to give a definite answer.

The relationship between love at first sight, and as a follow-relations due to two opposing factors:

  • A positive first impression a good effect on the quality of future relations.
  • Small duration of the period during which the choice of a partner, prevent people reveal important personal characteristics that can negatively affect subsequent relationships.

Studies show that the first impression The first impression in business and in personal relationships  The first impression in business and in personal relationships
   It has a significant impact on long-term relationships. On this basis, the relationship that began with love at first sight, have a greater chance to develop into a long, deep and mutual affection. On the other hand, if a person is in love with a stranger, there is a high probability that they would be very little to do, but because of the strong initial feeling they may not immediately understand it. The love between them can be very intense, but not deep. Thus, love at first sight can be the basis for long-term and quality relationships, but only under the condition that the parterres really have qualities that are attributed to each other when they first met. If it turns out that they do not meet the expectations of each other, most likely waiting for a rapid but short novel, which will remain a bright spot, but - in the past.

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