Meaning of moles on the cheeks
 Unlike moles, located on the back, a mole on his face visible to everyone and anyone who knows the value of moles Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body  Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body
   on the cheeks or on the nose, can learn the innermost secrets of his companion, and even its future. What indicate moles, which are so lavishly decorated with the faces of some people?

 Meaning of moles on the cheeks - charming signs

What promise moles on cheeks

 Meaning of moles on the cheeks
 Moles on the cheeks always attract attention and give the image a special charm. It is no coincidence in the time were so popular artificial rodinki- "flies", which served as a real decoration of the face. I do not see such a mole is simply impossible. Men with a mole on his right cheek are generally sanguine. They are fun, lively and very charming. Adds charm of such a mole, and the women, as a rule, individuals with a spicy mole on his cheek is very attractive to the opposite sex.

If a birthmark is decorated with the left cheek, it may indicate a remarkable ability, even the talent of the artist, musician or writer. As a rule, these abilities are manifested in childhood. In general, people with a birthmark on his cheek used to stand with their talents and personal charm. They bathe in popularity and very nostalgic, if someone remains indifferent to their charms.

Sometimes a mole on his left cheek bestows its owners and unpleasant traits: these women may be unbalanced, hysterical and prone to depression. Men such behavior is peculiar to a lesser extent, but they often tend to clash because of trifles. However, the anger of the people is short - after a quarrel, they usually make the first steps towards reconciliation.

If a birthmark on his cheek is closer to the base of the nose, it refers to a person with dictatorial. Such people always know best how to live, and love to give others advice on how to proceed in a given situation. It should be noted that these tips really, as a rule, are very valuable. People with these moles are well able to keep other people's secrets. They make excellent lawyers, especially lawyers.

The birthmark located on the cheek close to his lips - a sign of a happy marriage. If a woman has such a mole is right, her husband will be very assured. If the birthmark is on his left cheek close to his ear, it is said that a woman is prone to self-sacrifice.

If a birthmark is high on the cheekbone, its value changes. Usually, people with such a mole (especially if it is on the right side) is very determined and have excellent organizational skills. Such people are often called "ideological" - they are able to devote his life to the fight for any ideals. Usually people with a birthmark on his cheek eloquent, listen to their opinions.

If a birthmark is decorated right cheekbone, it indicates that the person is fully given to their passions, rushes into a relationship, "both in the maelstrom of his head." So people do not just have to experience disappointment in love. If the birthmark is on the left cheek, then its owner is very sensitive. Such a man will always find a reason for feelings, and if it can not find something. In addition, a mole on the left cheek suggests that its owner needs new look and feel.

 Meaning of moles on the cheeks - charming signs

Signs of moles

 Meaning of moles on the cheeks
 Sometimes people decorate cheek mole is not one but a whole scattering of charming spots. In this case it is necessary to consider not only moles individually and in combination. For example, if the moles are arranged in a cross, it is a very poor sign, which the presence of other adverse omens may portend an early tragic death. If moles form a star or square - this is also a bad omen. However, there is no reason to be frightened, because a mole - it's not a promise, but a warning. And if the time to heed this warning, the danger will pass round.

At the same time, moles Moles:: tags fate or bombs?  Moles:: tags fate or bombs?
 Arranged in a triangle, a circle or oval, bring its owner good luck and happiness.

People with a triangle of moles - all these favorites of fortune, they are lucky in everything. At the same time they should not rely on luck and behave unworthy - to whom much is given, from that and a lot to ask. Experts recommend that people whose cheek or another part of the face is decorated with a triangle of moles, to be responsible and intelligent, generous and caring.

Maria Bykov

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