the value of moles on her temples
 Not all moles Moles:: tags fate or bombs?  Moles:: tags fate or bombs?
   on the human body have the same effect on its fate: especially important are those moles that can not be hidden under clothing. So important are birthmarks, located on the face. It is very important the exact location of a mole - such as the value of moles Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body  Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body
   at the temples significantly different from the value of moles located on the forehead or eyelids.

 Meaning of moles on her temples: the sensitivity and unique abilities

What should pay attention

Drinking birthmarks always been ambiguous. In the Middle Ages for the birthmark could get to the fire, and in the eighteenth century were in fashion artificial birthmarks - flies. Yes, ladies and modern paint on myself sometimes spicy mole on the face or chest, to draw the attention of the opposite sex, this charming piece.

Moles can tell much about a person, but it should be remembered that the value of the mole is not only the place where it is located, but also on the most moles. The general rule is this: the more attractive mole, the more favorable it is a sign, and uglier than the mole, the greater the negative pulls it into the life of his owner. Important and stain birthmark - the brighter the color, the stronger the blur effect on a person's life.

Sometimes moles grow hair. With regard to entities such expert opinions diverge. Some believe that such an unattractive from an aesthetic point of view, the mole can not be favorable. According to the other, a mole growing out of her hair - an extremely auspicious sign.

Birthmark the greater the impact on the fate of its owner than it is noticeable, so the impact of moles, covered with clothing or hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 Usually less pronounced than the impact of moles located on the face, neck, arms.

Loosen the negative impact of moles can disguise it with jewelry or hairstyle.

 Meaning of moles on her temples: the sensitivity and unique abilities

Moles on the temples

Inexperienced commentators often confused moles, located at the temples, with a birthmark on his forehead. Meanwhile, birthmarks in the temporal areas have a very different meaning. The temporal region is very vulnerable, and those whose temples are decorated with moles, and are particularly vulnerable, sensitive and receptive. Such people are able to see, hear, feel and understand what is unavailable to others.

For example, located on the left temple a mole shows that the holder (regardless of sex) - extremely sentimental, sensitive and vulnerable person. Outwardly, however, it is hardly seen. These people know very well how to hide their emotions and always "keep face". The closer a birthmark on his temple to the hair, the better the ability of such people to hide their feelings.

Often people with a birthmark on his temple to suffer from headaches and diseases related to blood supply to the brain. They're often distracted are small problems with memory. At the same time, these people have a strong intuition, they can predict the future, they dream prophetic dreams.

Moles on the right temple almost never inherited, but their appearance has a karmic reasons. It is believed that the birthmark on his temple there are those who in previous incarnations failed to fulfill his plan. It is a sign marking the unusual people. A man with a birthmark on his right temple has a developed intuition, observation, talent quickly assess any situation and make the right conclusions. Such a person is in the presence of other abilities can be a brilliant scientist, a doctor or a captain. Many talented fortunetellers have a birthmark on the right temple.

Often people with a birthmark on his temple unconsciously trying to hide it, preferring long hairstyle with bangs. At the same time they can not clearly answer why do not want to show a birthmark around, but intuitively understand that this mark is best to hide from prying eyes.

It should be noted that the birthmark on his temple - is not only a sign of hypersensitivity and special abilities, but also a warning about the difficult life.

People with moles on her temples need to continue to grow spiritually, to overcome all the hardships of life.

Maria Bykov

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