Meaning of moles on the palm
 The desire to learn its fate has always been inherent in man. To help always came a variety of divination, including the place of honor Palmistry - Divination Divination: guess - guessing?  Divination: guess - guessing?
   hand. Experienced fortune teller, considering the unique pattern of lines on the human hand, can tell you everything about it: the character and inclinations, fears and hopes, the past, present and future. It is well known to them and the importance of moles Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body  Meaning of moles - the mysterious handwriting on the human body
   the palm - in fact, these markings can tell a lot about a person.

 Meaning of moles on the palm - the nature and destiny

For better or worse

Many of those who study the art of reading the palm of fate, only a limited comprehension of the mysteries of the lines on the hand. However, the life line, the line of the mind, the line of fate and others can not give a complete picture of human nature and thus destiny. These fortune-tellers do not disregard any one detail: important are color and skin color lines bulge hills, various stains, damage and, of course, moles, located on the palm.

Typically, a mole on the palm is the most unfavorable sign, especially if it is located on the mound or in the hands of line.

Thus the larger the mole, and more unpleasant than it looks, the more it attracts negative in the life of his owner. Adverse considered very prominent, very dark moles, especially if you are growing your hair.

If the active adult arm (on the right in right-handers, left-handers, respectively, on the left) there was a mole - it is a sign that something in a person's life is not as it should. Birthmark on the palms, which appeared in childhood, does not promise an easy fate holder. Of course, be afraid of such moles is not necessary, but there is a reason to think about.

Mystics often regard moles Moles:: tags fate or bombs?  Moles:: tags fate or bombs?
   as a reflection of some kind of karmic debts. If desired, the negative impact of a mole is always possible to reduce, if not to repeat the mistakes committed in the past. Moles that are on your fingers, you can sometimes hide, covering rings - is significantly, though not completely, reduce the negative impact of these marks on fate. For example, a mole on the ring finger brings setbacks in his personal life, but if you cover the mole ring or ring, it helps guard against disappointments in love.

We can not say that at the hands of moles always promise misery and hardship. Sometimes such a mole, on the contrary, is a happy sign. Favorable considered attractive uniformly colored small flat birthmarks with sharp edges. It is interesting that, according to oncologists, these are the moles are the least hazardous to health. We know that doctors are wary enough birthmarks: nevi often degenerate into the most dangerous tumors. However, if the mole has a clear edge and uniform color, the danger is minimal.

 Meaning of moles on the palm - the nature and destiny

Meaning of moles on the various bumps palm

 Meaning of moles on the palm
 Birthmark on the hill of Jupiter says that the man waiting in the complexity of family life, a bad reputation, losses. If a birthmark is favorable, it can talk about the good organizational skills.

Birthmark on the hill of Saturn warns of conflict. A man with a mole should be to cultivate a love of peace and gentleness, benevolent concern for others and do not go to his purpose "on the head."

If a mole is located on the hill of the Sun, its owner could lose credibility and ill eye disease. If a birthmark is favorable, similar difficulties will be only temporary.

Hill Mercury is often decorated with a mole among thieves, swindlers and dishonest people. Moreover, such a mole may indicate a problem with money, getting information, the possible diseases of the speech.

Birthmark on the hill of the moon foretells disappointments in love. Usually such people marry late or remain bachelors. If a birthmark is favorable, the complexities of love are time, patience and loyalty to the person will be rewarded.

If the birthmark is on the hill of Neptune, it shows poor health of its owner. Favorable birthmark in this place reinforces the mystical abilities of the person, making it more receptive.

Birthmark on the hill of Venus prevents problems due to excesses in love. The owner of a mole should not strive for sensual pleasures, the happiness they will bring loyalty and moderation.

Maria Bykov

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