characters feng shui home
 In the practice of Feng Shui, there are various symbols that play an important role in combating the negative energy and promote positive. For example, the Laughing Buddha, symbol of Double Happiness and Celestial animals - all these characters, bring prosperity, longevity, luck and happiness into people's lives. Usually, symbols of Feng Shui represent the different objects that are to be placed at specific locations, depending on the desired effect. In addition, some of them to help restore energy Qi, spreading positive energy and bringing to the house of happiness and good luck.

 Symbols of Feng Shui Home

Double Happiness Symbol

 characters feng shui home
 The story goes that a young student preparing for a difficult exam, suddenly fell ill, and he was trying to cure the doctor, who lived with her daughter. The student and the daughter of the doctor fell in love, but the young man had to leave the family. It is great cope with the exam, winning first place.

The emperor appointed him as his minister and allowed to return to the doctor's house and marry his daughter. Before the wedding, they decided to double the symbol of happiness, to celebrate two important events in their lives: the wedding, and the groom's success. Today, it is believed that the symbol of Double Happiness brings luck in love and happiness in family life.

 Symbols of Feng Shui Home

Celestial animals

They can be positioned at the entrance of a house or in one of the main directions. Black turtle - in the north, the Red Phoenix - in the south, the White Tiger - in the west and Green Dragon - in the east. All four areas must be in perfect harmony.

Turtle symbolizes protection and support, as well as assistance in the Phoenix - the success of future events and projects, the Dragon - a positive energy, health and welfare, and the Tiger symbolizes the mind, luck and protection from negative influences.

 Symbols of Feng Shui Home

Laughing Buddha

 characters feng shui home
 Laughing Buddha - a symbol of happiness, prosperity, success and good luck. It is the most popular symbol of Feng Shui, also known as Maitreyee or Happy Buddha. It is believed that the presence of this symbol in the house banish stress, problems, anger and sadness. It is also good for the recovery of energy Qi and struggles with a negative impact.

Laughing Buddha - overriding symbol of happiness and good luck, the patron of children, as well as the poor and the sick. In addition, the bag large gold bullion or pots with him, who are always close to the figure of the Buddha, not only to bring happiness and prosperity. You can put this symbol anywhere but to be visible. But some experts in Feng Shui believe that we should not have this figure in the bedroom, dining room or bathroom. Laughing Buddha can be the perfect gift for any occasion.

 Symbols of Feng Shui Home

Lo Wu

Wu Lou- a vessel made of pumpkin Pumpkin for health: a royal vegetable in home pharmacy  Pumpkin for health: a royal vegetable in home pharmacy
 -gorlyanki used to store drugs. Therefore, it is a symbol of health and protector from negative Sha Qi or. Usually, it is covered with gold paint and wrapped in a red ribbon. Lo Wu also symbolizes prosperity and longevity.

 Symbols of Feng Shui Home

Qi Lin

 characters feng shui home
 These beautiful animals have the body of a horse and a dragon's head, also known as Kei Loon, Qi Lin- this Chinese unicorn. It is a symbol of prosperity, good fortune, success and glory. You can use a figurine or a couple where one can see a male Unicorn shown next to the ball, and the female, shown next to a small Qi Lin.

The ball symbolizes protection in relations with the outside world, while the young Qi Lin means protecting the house. Qi Lin should be located in the northern part of the house. Placed facing the front door, he will take home from the bad people and all the things that can cause harm to the owners.

 Symbols of Feng Shui Home

Chung Quay

He was a great warrior, but his ferocious appearance did not allow him to become an officer in the royal court. Many years after the death of the Emperor Chung Quay I was in a dream. Then the governor ordered to paint a portrait Kueya Chung, who, as it turned out, was able to defeat black magic, and justice has been restored. Image Chung Kueya should be placed facing the door, providing protection from enemies and thieves. Usually he is depicted with a sword and a fan, which are designed to scare off evil spirits. On the fan is a magical inscription meaning "Bring happiness to revive the House."

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