Equipment sex
 Correct start - the key to good sex. As we know, women are not excited as fast as men - they need to be adjusted for sex, and it takes some time and a certain technique of sex.


Before sex

  • Comb your hair. It's certainly not exciting, but it helps to relieve stress, escape from everyday worries, and tune in to the pleasure. You can comb hair yourself, or to entrust this business partner.
  • Ask your partner to make you a massage from head to toe - it's a great way to prepare for sex. Start standing with the head - you can make a real massage, or simply stroking her head, her hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 And then - the neck. Sometimes this is enough, and we can move on, and sometimes necessary to make a full body massage. There are no strict rules, you just have to feel the mood of the partner. Be sure to pay attention to massage the buttocks - they are a lot of nerve endings, which some women are not even aware. Finally, foot massage has a stimulating effect, and really excites many women.
  • Give a man to undress yourself - but only to underwear. Why is that? The fact is that too many men treat sex as something that can be done in a hurry and almost in passing. Women of this approach, of course, not too much. Therefore, at some point in a man must "slow down." Let him admire the underwear of his partner until she slowly removes it (of course, underwear should be beautiful). A man needs a little tease, let him fondle himself through the fabric underwear (especially nice if it lace), and then gradually move on.



When it comes to sex, the choice of posture plays a key role. This does not mean you have to reinvent the intricate positions that would be the envy experienced yoga Yoga - the way to preserve youth and health of skin  Yoga - the way to preserve youth and health of skin
 . Having sex should be convenient, and fun is incompatible with the stretched muscles, sprains and fractures kneecaps. The most effective (ie, the most conducive to pleasure) are the most basic poses - perhaps with slight modifications.

  • Poses, when the woman is on top, is the favorite for most men. But many women in these positions quickly tired - probably because they are opting for the wrong place. Forget the bed. Choose a fairly low and narrow piece of furniture - such as beach chair or coffee table. The man lies down on it, and the woman is arranged on top, standing feet on the floor. It is much easier than doing the same things in the bed on his knees. And if a woman is convenient, it will be able to forget how tired muscles, and think more about pleasure.
  • Normal "missionary" position, but the heel rest on the shoulders of women by men. This will allow both of you to enjoy the different depth of penetration, and adjust it if desired. For more fun, you can put a woman's waist under a small pillow.
  • The woman lies on her side, the man - behind. This posture suited to fans of the slow caresses, and increases the duration of sexual intercourse. In this position, particularly recommended partners caress each other's hands and lips, otherwise it may be too boring. In addition, this position is not suitable for those who are important to maintain eye contact during lovemaking.
  • A woman is standing on all fours, the man - on his knees from behind. As a woman in this position almost can not control the depth of penetration, the man should be especially sensitive. Another option poses "a man behind": a woman lying on her stomach, and a man - on top. A common mistake men - a woman lying on the whole body, moving the hips and the expectation that partner will be pleased. In fact, it will soon become short of breath and the pleasure will be forgotten. Lift the trunk, leaning on hands, the woman could not breathe, and do not forget to kiss her back and neck.


Additional recommendations

  • Anal stimulation. For many people it is still something dirty and impermissible, and it wasted. In the anus in both men and women, there are many nerve endings, stimulation of which gives a strong pleasure. Not necessarily directly engage in anal sex, if it ever did - first for the stimulation you can use your fingers or a special sex toys. The main thing here - do not do anything against the will of the partner (and his will), and be sure to take a shower before such caresses. Remember - all that two adults who love the person making consensual, is normal, and if you want to try something new - try. As for anal stimulation, if you'll be very gentle, it sure will give you a lot of new and very pleasant sensations.
  • Many men do not know that after the woman received one orgasm, she will be much easier to get a couple - or ten - orgasms. Oral or other affection after sex and help women who do not always get an orgasm from normal vaginal penetration. Turns his back to the wall and fall asleep after sex - behavior egoist, next to which women are not delayed. In addition, the postcoital affection can cause an erection again, so do not be lazy.
  • Massage after sex - a wonderful gift to your partner. Someone who will do massage, it does not matter - in any case, it helps to strengthen the feeling of deep closeness arises and, of course, even more relaxing.

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