What exercises can remove the stomach
 You are one of those looking for the best exercises for the abs to lose belly fat? If so, then you will be disappointed, because there is no such exercises. There are no exercises that would improve your metabolism and help you lose fat. People often ask about what exercises you can remove the stomach and realize his dream of a flat press preferably with cubes. The problem is that they are all waiting for some magical exercises for the press, which is easy to take away the excess fat from their stomachs. But the truth is that they are very much mistaken. Fat is not only clear from the exercise for the press.

If you are one of those many people who have spent time and time to perform the exercises for the press to bring to tone your stomach, then you should just stop doing it. You are wasting your time and effort, as it will not help you get rid of belly fat. Instead, spend your time and energy on the development of appropriate programs that actually help you get rid of this fat.

 What exercises can remove the stomach: the load plus power

General recommendations

Before doing the exercises the muscles need to warm up: this will make the complex more efficient and secure. As a warm-up suit any vigorous movements, such as dance. An excellent choice would be and exercises with a hoop, which is twisted at the waist. Suffice five - ten minutes of vigorous movements to prepare the muscles work. After the end of training should be done at least a few stretching exercises at a slow pace.

Time of exercise is chosen arbitrarily based on personal preference. Someone easier and more enjoyable to train in the morning, charging themselves with energy for the whole day, some prefer to make a complex exercise in the evening. In any event, deal with regularly: every day or at least every other day. It is best to do the exercises for the press on an empty stomach, that is not earlier than two or three hours after a meal. After the exercise is best to refrain from eating for half an hour, then you can easily eat.

Unfortunately, exercise alone may not be enough to remove the stomach How to remove the stomach, if you do not want to look at myself in the mirror  How to remove the stomach, if you do not want to look at myself in the mirror
 . Sports allow you to strengthen your muscles, but if these muscles are covered by a thick layer of fat, the result will not be noticeable. In this case, a balanced diet will help with a sufficient amount of protein and complex carbohydrates, but limiting fats and simple sugars.

 What exercises can remove the stomach: the load plus power

Exercise and Nutrition

 What exercises can remove the stomach
 According to experts, the best exercise for shedding belly fat - it exercises the whole body. This may include the following exercises: different types of squats, deadlifts, rocking the press, jerks, flapping, bench press and deadlifts, climbing, sprint and others.

The exercises for all parts of the body will be more effective than intensive exercises aimed only at the abdomen. Exercises for the whole body and improve your metabolism, which will also help to burn fat.

This does not mean that you should not do the exercises to tone the stomach a. This means that the exercise - this is just a small part of the recommended program. Just be much better to spend your time and energy to exercise for the whole body that will encourage and lead to hormonal and metabolic changes in the body. In addition, performing a complete set of exercises, you will know exactly what to work on all parts of the press, and not on any one part of it.

But remember that exercise, whether it's for the whole body or not, will only have an effect if you eat right. It will not matter how hard you do, if you continue to eat junk and fatty foods. Fat will cover all your body. Exercise and a healthy diet - here's a way to achieve his dream of dice.

 What exercises can remove the stomach: the load plus power

Exercises for the belly

 What exercises can remove the stomach
 To remove belly fat, you must do the exercises for the upper and lower press, and to the side of the abdominal muscles. Each exercise should be repeated between twenty and twenty-five times. You should start slowly, day by day by increasing the amount of exercise performed.

Exercise for the top of the press. Starting position - lying on his back, legs bent at the knees, keep the socks in the air, hands behind head, elbows pointing to the sides. On the exhale, pull your chin to your knees and lift your upper body to the blades off the floor. It is important to make sure that your elbows are not changed its position, ie "watched" in hand, and lower back are not detached from the floor. When moving should be significantly tighten the abdominal muscles. On the inhale to get back to its original position.

Exercise for muscles of the lower press. The starting position is the same as in the first routine. On the exhale, straighten legs need, lifting them at an angle of forty-five degrees to the floor. On the inhale - to return to the starting position. Lower the legs on the floor and off the floor buttocks and lower back can not.

Exercise for the upper and lower press is a combination of the first two exercises. Starting position - lying on his back, hands behind head, elbows pointing to the side, legs bent at the knees, feet not touching the floor. At the same time it should raise the upper torso, lifting shoulder blades off the floor and straighten your legs, trying to lift them as high as possible. The lower back and buttocks are pressed at the same time to the ox. Exercise is very effective, but to implement it may be difficult at first.

Exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles. Starting position - lying on his back, hands behind head, elbows pointing to the side, legs bent at the knees and stand on the floor as close as possible to the buttocks. On the exhale, pull your right elbow to the left knee, on inspiration - back to its original position. Similarly, the exercise is repeated in the other direction now stretches to the left elbow right knee. When the exercise should be to make sure that the waist at all times remain pressed to the floor and elbows were sent to the parties.

Suffice it to carry out this complex exercise daily for two weeks to stomach became fit and slim waist. If at the same time a little to limit themselves in power, the result will be noticeable even faster.

 What exercises can remove the stomach: the load plus power


Do not just stop at the drill press, such as squats and standing, twisting, lifting the feet of other exercises to tone the stomach, if you want to achieve the most cubes on your press. Instead, focus on intensive exercises for the whole body, which combine many exercises for muscle groups that are intended to burn as much fat.

Practice regularly and do not forget about healthy eating Healthy eating  Healthy eating
 That will include a lot of natural and unprocessed food. Following these two simple steps, you should be able to get rid of belly fat for good.

Maria Bykov

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  • how to remove belly fat,
  • fitness
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