that annoying men in women
 List all the things that irritates men in women, probably could be endless - as, indeed, and a list of things for which men love women. What are the most common irritants, because of which the quarrel every day, or even break up millions of couples around the world?


The habit of writing to him a few SMS per day

Maybe you're really worried, when the favorite is not ringing or writing you a few hours, or maybe in you just wake up the jealousy and the sense of possessiveness (really work or friends more important to him than you?) - In any case, you need to take herself and demand that he get in touch very often. In the end, let it run - if it is at work, or have fun - if he is resting with his friends. A message asking "where are you? ", "what are you doing? ", "Do you love me? "May seem cute only at the beginning of the relationship, and only from the point of view of a very ardent lover of men. Then they only cause irritation.


Criticism of other women

Many women love aloud to notice any flaws of other women: a failed hair, weight, clothes, not on the figure, and so on. If a woman who has become an object of criticism, good-looking, a man noticed it, no matter what his companion said. In addition, it can be concluded that the companion low self-esteem, because only really confident woman can be in a restaurant or at a party making flattering remarks about the other ladies, paying attention to them men, and without fear that someone it may please him more than she did. If you are not so confident, at least refrain from criticizing others.


Jealousy is no reason

That is, for no reason in terms of men. For example, he could admire the new employee (only her professionalism, not shapely legs), notice how the prettier your mutual friend ever since, as you saw last time, or simply admire photos of famous actresses - and that was enough, that his lover make a scene of jealousy Management of jealousy  Management of jealousy
 . If this happens on a regular basis, in men it does not cause anything but irritation, and can be understood: nobody wants to suffer because of what his partner is suffering from self-doubt. Manifestations of jealousy relevant except when there is clear evidence of treason Treason: Fall or loyalty to yourself?  Treason: Fall or loyalty to yourself?
   men, and in this case it is better to address the issue - what to do next, and to organize a huge scandal. In other cases, the jealousy - a manifestation of selfishness and immaturity, which can seriously damage the relationship.


Excessive care

Some women with the best intentions are constantly reminded beloved seat belt (although he only managed to get in the car), comb hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   (even if a creative mess on his head - this is his hairstyle), strongly reminiscent of once every two years to pass a full medical examination, begin feeding him a healthy (and not always delicious) food - in short, behave like a mother, prone to overprotection. If a man can be easy on such behavior of his mother, he does not see very often, from the sweetheart he expects quite a different attitude. The man - an adult who needs to organize their own lives; excessive concern may like unless this mama's boy, but it is unlikely you will need a partner.


Invasion of personal space

To this point applies a wide range of manifestations of feminine behavior - from the desire to bring order to the things men as a result of which he is a long way to understand where and what now lies before solicitations to devote less time to their hobbies and friends. Imagine that the man decided to throw away all the excess out of your purse or on your own to make your new haircut. Unattractive prospect, is not it? Roughly the same thing he was thinking about trying to get out of his personal space.



This man, of course, support the woman he loves, if she was very upset because of serious problems. However, tears due unpretentious melodramas or unsuccessful haircut, insults and scandals about trifles on level ground can cause severe irritation in men. They, of course, know that women - more than weak, vulnerable and sensitive creatures, but constantly wiping his tears and hear complaints on any trifles men do not want at all.


Many hours of shopping

When it comes to shopping, most women show boundless energy and an amazing ability to go shopping, trying on endless blouses, dresses, trousers and shoes, and accessories to select them in the morning and before the closing of shops. Everything would be fine, if women have always done it all alone or in the company of enthusiastic friends, but sometimes they are invited to a men. From the point of view of men, shopping should be as rapid and rational, and go all the shopping mall to remeasure half range and buy a couple of things - it's a waste of time. It's not even that consolation, that's how you find clothes that look really stunning. The man probably loves your clothes, but he did not want to participate in the process of their choice.


The habit of talking incessantly

If the answer to man's "how was your day? "You give a half-hour monologue, even though you have had, in general, the normal day - it is possible that a man listens to you out of politeness, but actually feels no interest in your story, and irritation. The fact that women are not always able to speak strictly the case, for example, in the above-mentioned question they answer not just the short list of the highlights of the day - no, they can tell, and a conversation with a colleague, mentioning that she wore to inform a new haircut boss, and the hundreds of details that man totally uninteresting. Although in fact he really wants to know how you were doing, because of the abundance of unnecessary details his attention begins to wane, and the woman it seems that he does not want to hear it.

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