golden jubilee
 Collectively and individually they know that golden wedding anniversary is called life together fifty spouses legally officially registered marriage. But few people have to remember that in Russia until relatively recently, the tradition of broad and solemn celebration of this, and other anniversaries from the date of the wedding, was not. Of course, certain national signs and names associated with one or another anniversary of the founding family, there were, for example, a four-year date from the date of the wedding was called and continue to call Linen Len: revived classic or fashion disaster?  Len: revived classic or fashion disaster?
   wedding, an eight - tin wedding, and fifteen-year anniversary is called the old crystal wedding. However, until the last decades of the XX century it was more uzkosemeynye celebration, not particularly marked. But since the 1970s, and especially since the 1980s, when, apparently, the holiday was particularly lacking in the Soviet Union began rampant fashion to celebrate almost every year of married life together, continues to this day.

 Golden wedding: Happy Anniversary

Why the "golden"?

Meanwhile, it is worth noting that the birthplace of the modern tradition to celebrate the wedding anniversary experts call the medieval German principalities, the villagers willingly remembered that the ancient pagan tradition of unbridled joy, and as the reasons for them, and found such an interesting choice here .  With regard to the names of most of these anniversaries, there exists among the peoples of a variety of options, often coinciding .  The number of wedding anniversaries, with the majority of the same value, not so great: silver wedding (25 years), strawberry marriage (33 years of marriage), diamond wedding (60 years), granite wedding (90 years) and, Needless to say, the one golden wedding marks the fiftieth anniversary .  The answer to the question why this date is known as "golden", lies on the surface: that gold is traditionally considered the most noble metal, the epithet "golden" is the highest degree of quality, beauty, reliability, and what could be, on the one hand, better and more reliable, and on the other, visually beautiful than 50 years of living side by side? Of course, there is a more solid anniversaries, for example, diamond wedding (60 years) or red Wedding (100 years), but cases such terms of family relationships are unique .  Therefore, the golden wedding a special attitude, and by the way, not only in Russia, for example, in the UK each couple celebrated their golden wedding, have the right to personal congratulations from the reigning monarch .

 Golden wedding: Happy Anniversary

Zlatosvadebnye tradition

A feature of the celebration of the golden wedding is the need to repeat this wedding took place half a century ago. No, no one calls to send "newlyweds" and their guests at the same place where was their wedding ceremony and play in every detail. But the celebration must not be less solemn and repeat all the main stages of the wedding day adjusted, of course, its age anniversaries desirable.

Besides a rich feast, indicating indispensable invitation to all members of the family, right down to the smallest grandchildren, there is another constant tradition of the golden wedding - gift "newlyweds" in the form of new gold wedding rings .  This offering represents, on the one hand, the fact that love and mutual respect were stronger than even the eternal metal such as gold, the old ring of which may fade and wear out .  On the other - that the family life continues, and even just getting started in this solemn day .  In general, most of the traditions associated with the golden wedding, have a direct and quite logical attitude to everything that has reason to be called Gold: obsypaniya "honeymoon" with gold sequins, rice, candy wrapper in gold, gifts of gold .  In addition, it is the first golden wedding anniversary wedding, where the motif of the continuity of generations, a kind of spiritual heritage, plays an important role .  So, the old gold wedding rings can be presented to children as a real testimony and pledge of mutual love of parents .  Or, for example, a tradition at the end of the celebrations of the golden wedding of the famous throwing of the bride's bouquet Bridal bouquet: History and Today  Bridal bouquet: History and Today
 If a bouquet in the hands of a single woman, it is a matter for the wedding; If the color catch already married, so in the future, and it is waiting for the golden jubilee. Finally, the most moving is the final ceremony of the golden wedding: After the guests left the husband and wife jointly organize a tea party, thereby indicating that the main thing in the family - it's still a relationship between them.

Alexander Babitsky

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