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 improve memory child

How to improve memory of a child 6-7 years of

The question is how to improve the memory of a child, most often begins to worry parents with child enters school, when you need to store large amounts of information. Kindergarten teachers use a range of activities aimed at the development of children of all types of memory: visual, auditory, motor and logic, so children who attend kindergarten are better prepared for school than children left to themselves and experiencing lack of communication . Unfortunately, not all children can go to an institution for various reasons, so parents need to deal with a child with special exercises and give it more attention.

 How to improve memory tips and training - How to help your child

Do you want your child to develop memory? Teach him to listen

In fact, children can be a bad memory in some exceptional special cases, but more often it is simply unclaimed, undeveloped.

When parents listen to their child confused monologues, they thereby encourage it to recall, analyze and compare the brightest events of the day, forcing him to live like them again. Gradually it the child will be more connected and each time he would remember more details, small details, thus training the memory. So parents, as if they were not busy, it is very important to find the time for your child.

It is important to recall the details of the child to help him restore the chain of events - the color, size and smell.

Adults should listen carefully and friendly child, and along the way to ask as many questions aimed precisely at the details.

Good to have a ritual, such as reading bedtime child interesting and memorable tales or teach little poem. You can learn a foreign language one sentence. All this is bound to affect the child's vocabulary. In the future, these children are usually no problems with memory.

 How to improve memory tips and training - How to help your child

The magic number of ten or more exercises for the development of memory

If the child is six or seven years can repeat these words half of the ten - it is considered a high rate of short-term memory. It is necessary to remind the child the words that he did not name, but after a while asked to call them again. If it was called seven or eight words - that the child has a good long-term memory. By doing this simple exercise every day, the child will gradually remember more words, developing short and long term memory.

The same can be done with ten images, allowing them to see the child, and then asked to name items that they have been portrayed. Images that have not been identified, should be shown, and after some time, ask them to think again.

For memory training can use the method of Cicero, who is in a mental location of objects that you need to remember. Calling a child of ten items, you need to teach him mentally "arranged" them in a familiar room, for example, a huge orange will lie on the balcony, a tiny hippopotamus walk on the windowsill. To recall the words, it will be enough to recall the situation. Here you need to follow one principle - large items should be reduced, and small - to increase.

And you can think of these disparate words that were mentioned or shown in the picture, a coherent story. Well developed imagination mnemonic method, when a child, changing the color or the shape of a given object, mentally transforms it into another, and so ten times. For example, the first word of the ball, out of it suddenly began to grow a needle and it turned into a hedgehog, and then the needles are soft and turned into feathers. We became hedgehog stretch neck and legs, and it turned into an ostrich. If a child can easily cope with the job, their number should be gradually increased.

Good results are given regular quest to find the ten differences type. These jobs are in many developing books. All of these exercises are stepping up the attention and imagination and help, so the development of different types of memory.

Read more How to help your teen

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