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 drugs improve memory

Medication improving memory

According to experts, the massive reduction in mental alertness and memory disorders become a very serious problem of our time. Each year, characterized in that the Russians becoming more forgetful. A well-known risk factor for a sharp decline in memory is deteriorating mental and physical health, it is, and, moreover, there has recently been an increased incidence, so that healthy people is becoming increasingly difficult to find, even among youth and adolescents. But in addition to the memory of the negative impact of emotional overload, stress, alcohol and extremely adverse environmental conditions of life. So is there any medications that improve memory or is it just another myth?

People who have some idea of ​​the thought processes, the prospects are often afraid to have bad memory than any more serious disease, as leaky memory calls into question often a favorite and familiar operation active lifestyle. It is therefore not surprising that in Russia, constantly keeps and even the demand for nootropic drugs that help to significantly improve memory and attention and, consequently, the quality of life.

 How to improve memory tips and training - Medication and research

Medicine for memory: the story and the action

Medications for storage have been developed in the West during the second half of the last century. Their mission was initially and consistently was that to fight the decline in attention and memory. It turned out that this was not only interested in older people with memory disorders, but also young people, that is, all those who wanted to preserve the physical and mental activity for many years. As the results of a study conducted at the University of Virginia, the peak of human intellectual activity accounts for approximately twenty-two years, and after twenty-seven years of mental activity begins to decline. Memory starts to weaken after thirty-seven years, and other intelligent functions - after forty-two.

Therefore, any preventive measures, according to scientists, should be carried out well before retirement. However, only nootropics hope in any case can not, because they can not give a stable result, and after the abolition of memory will again deteriorate.

Thus, measures aimed at improving the memory and intellectual activity, should be comprehensive and include a variety of memory training exercises, which have become "classics of the genre."

While in many European countries and in America, receiving neuroprotective drugs was largely part of the lifestyle.

 How to improve memory tips and training - Medication and research

And what about Russia?

In Russia every year about three hundred thousand people with a variety of disorders of memory and attention are selected (on the advice of doctors) completely innovative development of our doctors - it's drugs, is a chain of two amino acid residues that are familiar to the human body in their chemical structure. When injected into the brain from the blood stream, they compensate for the shortage of natural amino acids that serve to protect the memory from the adverse effects of the environment and maintain it in "working condition."

The uniqueness of the domestic product is that it is at the same time and an excellent tool for the prevention of aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
   the brain and body as slow death of brain cells, restoring both attention and memory after suffering serious illnesses.

The great advantage of the domestic product is the fact that its therapeutically effective dose is much lower than traditional neuroprotective drugs of foreign manufacture.

However, the resistance of the result in the case of domestic production of the drug as low and in any case requires a set of measures aimed at improving the working memory and attention.

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