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How to improve memory teenager
One of the reasons insufficiently stable performance of the teenager in school is often called bad memory. Indeed, the memory of a teenager is often upset for different reasons. But is it scary? Perhaps there is a means to improve the memory of a teenager, thus raising his performance?
It may be situations where a teenager with great difficulty remembers formulas, dates of historical events, the rules of grammar or the lines of poems, and at the same time knows the year and the history of the group «Led Zeppelin», the year the first album and the composition «The Doors» or names Manchester United all the players, the technical characteristics of a Lamborghini or memorize the code table ASCII. Is it possible in this case to say that the teenager a bad memory?
What does "bad memory"
It has long been observed that, after unsuccessful attempts to recall the theme of ending deuce chalkboard, the theme of the lesson itself suddenly pops up in memory of a schoolboy after only one comforting words and affectionate look pretty classmate. "I know it! Just at the blackboard confused ... "
So, strictly speaking, there is a general notion of "bad memory"? Of course, if it is not associated with a bad heredity, illness or lack of thyroid hormone ...
Perhaps it is appropriate to draw some parallels with the world of computer technology, which also has the concept of "memory". So, the computer also has a memory, and it is operational (short term) and permanent. When the computer needed data is loaded into RAM memory constant, which is physically located on the hard disk, and then with them to perform various operations.
Access to data in RAM is much faster than the same data stored on your hard disk or external storage devices, and disk access depends on the speed and quality of communication.
And what will happen if the connection broken hard disk drive with the scheme of the computer? Degrade or completely interrupted access to the data on the disk.
Similarly, there is also the memory of a teenager, which is actually stored all the information about everything that happened to him during a certain period. Just because of some reasons the data from "hard disk" teenagers do not act in his "memory" or difficult to find them. How to strengthen the "connection"?
Teaching with passion: the right way
So, teenager, does not remember the formulas and rules, but in the summer to remember names of players favorite football team, in no way can not have a bad memory. Just this young man or young lady peculiar emotion, they may have a lyrical and even a romantic turn of mind, so the dry facts of their subconscious mind simply denies.
On the contrary, we know many cases of life when troechniki became honors when "dry" subject in school started to teach other teachers Leading lesson emotionally and very interesting, using interesting facts about the history of the subject and of the prominent figures of science, so much so that the former troechnik for literature becomes a brilliant philologist.
Emotions - positive and negative
Lessons Learned "problem" teenagers is much faster and stronger if new information are presented in such a way that the teenager sees that the teacher himself is very passionate about his subject, and his love is an expert and a good specialist.
It helps the absorption and, consequently, improve memory, if the teacher will mark the "small victories" of the teenager and was pleased and happy to pay attention to other children, and his parents.
Positive emotions experienced disciple will be a strong motivating factor for success. In contrast, negative emotions (scolding teacher, dissatisfied parents laughing classmates) can cause a lack of confidence, isolation, unwillingness to learn, and bad behavior.
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