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 mnemonic techniques to improve memory

Train your brain

By the age of majority in the brain formed millions of neural pathways that help to quickly process the incoming information, solve familiar problems and perform common tasks with a minimum of mental effort. But if you always use only those "beaten tracks", the brain will not get the stimulation he needs for further development. From time to time you and your brain needs a shake-up.

Memory like muscles, need daily exercise. If she does not use it, it gets worse. The more you upload the brain and make it work, the better you will be able to analyze and store information. The best exercises for the brain to disrupt the mental routine and contribute to the formation and development of new pathways in the brain. Exercises "training of the mind" can be anything, but must meet the following criteria:

  • Novelty. No matter how intellectually exhausting selected lesson - if it for you is nothing new, it is of little use. Train your mind unfamiliar activity, do not be afraid to go out of your comfort zone.
  • Complexity. For training suit any activity that requires some mental effort and giving you the knowledge. For example, you can start to learn a foreign language, learn to play a musical instrument, start a new sport or to solve a complex crossword or Sudoku puzzle.
  • Fascination. The greater interest is the lesson you have, the higher the probability that you will not have thrown in a few days. Yes, training for the mind to be difficult, but not so much that you give up.

 How to improve memory tips and training - Mnemonic techniques

Using mnemonic techniques facilitates memorization

Mnemonic (Gr. Mnēmoniká - the art of memorization) - a combination of various methods that facilitate the storage and increase the amount of memory by forming artificial associations - visual or verbal.

Mnemonic device



The visual image

Associate a visual image with a word or a name to remember them better. Positive images are bright, colorful and three-dimensional easier to remember.

To remember the name "Rosa Parks" and what it is known, imagine a woman sitting on a bench in a park surrounded by blooming roses.

Acrostic (or offer)

Think of a sentence in which the first letter of each word or initials is part of what you need to remember.

The well-known phrase, "Every hunter wants to know where sits Pheasant" - is an acrostic to remember the seven colors of the rainbow in order of decreasing wavelength: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.


Acronym - is a word that is formed by the first letters of all the key words or ideas that you should remember.

The word "GOMEV" can be used to store the names of the Great Lakes: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior.

Rhymes and alliteration

Rhyme and alliteration (repeating a sound or syllable), and even a joke - a great way to remember the less interesting facts and figures.

For example, to remember the sequence of the first signs of "pi" is used a poem, "so we do not make mistakes, you have read correctly - 3, 14, 15, 92 and 6".


A large amount of numerical or verbal information is broken down into smaller pieces that are easier to remember.

To remember the 10-digit phone number, divide it into three parts: 555-867-5309.

The method places

Mentally place the elements of information needed to remember along a route well known to you, or at specific locations in a familiar room or building.

Composing a shopping list, imagine bananas at the entrance of your home, a puddle of milk on the couch, eggs and bread on the stairs to bed.

 How to improve memory tips and training - Mnemonic techniques

How to improve the ability to recall and remember: some tips

  • Be careful. You can not remember something that never knew, and you can not learn something - that is, write it something in the brain - if you do not pay enough attention to education. To "write" new information into memory takes about eight seconds of intense attention (concentration). If you are easily distracted by extraneous things, choose a quiet place where you will not interfere.
  • Engage as many senses. Try to relate (associate) information with color, texture, smell and taste. Physical copying of information can help you better remember it. Even if you are a visual, read out loud what you want to remember. It is best to read the text rhythmically.
  • Relate new information to what is already know. It is desirable that the new information was based on already known to you, whether it is a new educational material, or simply address of the person living on the street where you already have friends.
  • When you need to remember a complex material, Focus on the main ideas and specific details can be neglected. Try to explain these ideas to someone else in your own words.
  • Periodically repeat what you already know. From time to time, repeat what you have learned. As you know, repetition - the mother of learning, such periodic recurrence and more effective than cramming banal, especially in the long term.
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