 Indoor gardening, that is the cultivation of plants in the living room, got a lot of popularity in countries with cold and long winters - because when the window crack cold, the illusion of colorful summer blooms and the riot of greenery on the shelves and window sills significantly elevate mood. In addition, plants have become quite impressive element of interior design: without them, even the most luxurious furnishings looks unfinished and inanimate.

Not every plant is able to grow and develop in a city apartment or other dwelling. Side lighting, lack of sunshine, dry air, drafts, dust, unstable and uneven temperature - this is not a complete list of adverse factors do not allow to domesticate all flora, what we would like, and survive in such adverse impacts can only a few of its representatives. Marketers say that the market for indoor plants, like any other, is constantly changing, if still in the nineties of the twentieth century great demand dekorativnolistvennye houseplants, in the third millennium, consumer preferences markedly shifted in the direction of their flowering counterparts - for example, Alamanda, Clive and many others.

 Indoor plants: flowering garden in miniature

From cactus to violet

 The popularity rating of houseplants and have permanent leader, who is trying to get almost every grower. So, prickly cacti once famous for its ability to absorb harmful radiation from computers, and therefore in offices specially put on desktops small pots with these plants. They are not, as many think, unpretentious plants, although it is spoken in almost all specialized publications. Of course there are some varieties that can withstand prolonged, and the absence of moisture, and amused in poor soils, but capricious and pampered cactus is also quite enough.

Ficus, despite the rather bulky size sometimes also occupy places of honor indoor flower beds. This tradition apparently preserved from the end of XIX century, when fashion ficus experienced its peak: tubs broadleaf plants even passed from house to house as a dowry wealthy bride. Modern gardeners greatest sympathy cause such species as Ficus benjamina, lyre, Bengali, dwarf and other rubber plants.

At the end of the twentieth century in Europe the fashion on Bonsai - dwarf trees copies southern species such as arborvitae, cypress, pine and so on. To grow bonsai suitable only hardwood, which is characterized by rapid lignification trunk and branches.

For the originality and beauty of the orchid flowers are appreciated. Another indisputable advantage is their ability to bloom in the winter, and many orchid flowers are kept for two to three months. Deserved love indoor gardeners use and violets - breeders had to withdraw just countless varieties of this unpretentious, at first sight, a plant. Every year worldwide exhibitions potted violets - exquisite spectacle attracts thousands of people who are not indifferent to beauty.

 Indoor plants: flowering garden in miniature

Code novice grower

 Buying a new indoor plant in the store, do not make a choice in favor of an adult, fully formed trees or flower bush. It is proved that the young plants will adapt to changing growing conditions, and stressful situations they carry so much better than adults. If the plant is in bloom, it is preferable that, where more buds than flowers blossoming. It's wise to learn about the habits of his future green pet. For example, almost all indoor plants for a period of acclimatization is necessary pritenenie, but colors such as azalea, cyclamen and chrysanthemum, it is completely useless.

An important factor in the care of indoor plants - competent and timely watering, because it is useful to make it the correct schedule. In addition, all houseplants require periodic feeding. Most of them are from the beginning planted in the so-called turf ground: it is made from turf cut from the meadows with clay subsoil. As part of turf land dominated by clay with humus plant residues. Sometimes landing houseplants used sheet, peat, heath, coniferous and dung of the earth. They are often mixed with coarse river sand. Plants with weak root system such as ferns require lighter ground, and, for example, fuchsia or pelargonium, which have a strong root system, grow better in heavy clay mixtures turf, manure and leaf land.

In the spring of indoor plants, as a rule, they are transplanted, picking them slightly larger pots earlier. Too big to take the dishes should not be, because the land is not penetrated by the roots of plants, will inevitably deteriorate. Drain hole in a pot supposed to cover a small crock and pour on top of the drainage of small pebbles or crushed potsherds.

And finally, the most important condition for the care of indoor plants is sincere and genuine love for their green pets. They say they are very sensitively catch the mood of their owners and every emotion reciprocate.

Svetlana Usankova

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