Male orgasm: just does not happen
 In men, orgasm, everything is normal with an average age of thirteen - fourteen (of course, also possible there are individual features of development). But it is unlikely the early orgasms can be called complete, but the situation is improving rapidly and hypersexuality boys aged more than able to experience normal sexual discharge.

Thus, the male orgasm with a total backlog of boys in the physiological development of girls the same age comes to life every boy-boys with almost one hundred percent probability, and much sooner than expected parents. Of course, we are talking about masturbation, which was broken, figuratively speaking, as polemical copies.

 Male orgasm: just does not happen

All or nothing

The simplest, most common, but the most correct view of the male orgasm as binary all or nothing, yes or no, "1" or "0". It is a mechanical process, only physical exercise or "they have only one thing on his mind."

Of course, the male orgasm is virtually linked to the process of emission of semen, what (and why), and ends with sex. How to achieve this release without the mechanical stimulation of the penis - the question. And why, exactly?

Male orgasm has several distinct stages and in the early stages can be artificially controlled by man at will. During orgasm the man for some time virtually defenseless and literally devastated in the physiological, and psychological sense. Remission, ie the recovery of erection and the ability to continue sexual activity, different men take different times, we in the "near future," the event is a few minutes from the young guys in the stage of hypersexuality.

But the validity of the medical facts about the characteristics of achieving male orgasm does not make it totally mindless and detached from the sphere of emotional experiences. Needless to say that the male orgasm in the relationship with the woman, and when, for example, delivery of seed in a test tube - a few different things?

Therefore, a chain of "erection - penetration - frictions - Ejaculation - Orgasm" sometimes breaks in unexpected places due to the fact that, contrary to the opinion of the anecdotes, the men during sex head works too.

 Male orgasm: just does not happen

The problem is in your head?

Very often began to pay attention to the psychological component of the male orgasm in a time when a lot of problems has, first of all, it is for men.

It all starts in childhood, when the child wear tight pants. Then the boys are faced with the notorious "ecology", which especially in the big cities and there. After: Training and specific poor diet, smoking and alcohol-containing liquids. Later begins the eternal race for success, the money for the well-being of the family. Stress, complexes, dissatisfaction with themselves.

And then - and every year before - the problem starts in the functioning of the urogenital system. It was then that the male orgasm ceases to be so mundane and self-evident thing, as the air around each of us.

Here his significant makeweight and adds head. If you quite simply, we are talking about the complexes. Replicable in the public mind the notion that this man is capable of sexual exploits at any time and seeding - easy! - A few women in a row at odds with the real situation and further exacerbates the doubt in his men's solvency. The extreme form of the man begins to fear of sexual intimacy with a woman!

In mathematics and other sciences, it is called positive feedback, in people in such cases say that the problems are growing like a snowball from the mountain. It is difficult to reconcile with the fact that the most brutal macho Macho: errors and problems in behavior  Macho: errors and problems in behavior
   It is proving to be much less adapted to life than "weak" woman. However, it is the subject of much conversation, and the male orgasm to a subject not directly related.

And by the physiological mechanism of the male orgasm plus hormonal support of the process can be found in the literature or as specialized sites. And to remember that the older a man becomes, the more of the male orgasm begins to meet the head, because over the years the spiritual and emotional component of sex are more important for the "boys".

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