color therapy
 Colour - this is what we see, and even that is not visible to the eye. We see the color of the time, but how often do we think about its nature and how it affects our lives? Some believe the impact of color on the person, and color therapy very important proof.


Nature Flowers

Color - is the light and energy. The color seen by the eye as it is reflected and refracted from all types of particles, molecules and objects. The wavelength of the radiation in the visible region of the spectrum is from about four hundred to seven hundred and fifty nanometers and has the name of the visible spectrum. Other lengths and frequencies associated with the invisible light, such as X-rays and ultraviolet rays.

Most people know the impact we have on the non-visible light, so it is logical to assume that visible light also affects us. An example of one of these influences can be seasonal affective disorder, which affects many people in the winter time.


What is color therapy

Color therapy, also known as chromotherapy, fotolechenie and light therapy - a type of holistic medicine, which uses the visible spectrum of light and color to affect the mood of the person, on his emotional state. Each color is divided into a specific frequency and vibration that have certain properties which may affect the power and frequency of our body.

Although we all know that light is perceived by our eyes, one must also know that it can be perceived, and our skin, that is to penetrate through it. Because different colors in a unique frequency and vibration, it is believed that certain colors can activate the hormones that are responsible for the chemical reactions in our bodies, as well as to influence the emotions and promote healing.


How color influences

It is known that colors have an impact on people with brain disorders or those who have problems related to emotional state. For example, the color blue has a calming effect that helps reduce blood pressure and red What color goes red: beware  What color goes red: beware
   It produces the opposite effect. Green - another color that has a relaxing effect on people suffering from emotional disorders. Yellow, on the contrary, acts as a revitalizing color on people suffering from depression.

Alternative therapies believe that the human aura contains various layers of light that are used for cleaning and maintaining balance. If you know the color of your aura, you can better understand their mood and how to keep under control. Additionally, all the colors surrounding the human body, can also have different influence it.


Color therapy in history

Thousands of years ago, in some countries, people have begun to apply the properties of color and use it a therapeutic effect. Egypt, Greece and China are known to have tried to use color to treat people. This is indicated by the following examples:

  • Staining of rooms in different colors for the purpose of therapeutic effects on certain conditions;
  • The use of natural colors in their environment (for example, as a symbol of the blue sky, green grass as a symbol, and so on);
  • Making treatment rooms in which crystals are used to break the sunlight.

There is evidence that people have tried to use the healing properties of color even two thousand years ago. But the popularity of color therapy has achieved in recent years, when there was a lot of books about this method, although many people still remain skeptical of the color therapy.


Influence of individual colors

Whatever it was, for sure, every one of you noticed how the mood when we wear clothes of different colors, or when we go into the room, painted in a particular color. This is the so-called color therapy, which can affect both the physical and the emotional state of the person. It can cause emotional lift, influence the specific physiological disorders of the body and improve overall health.

What is the impact on our different colors:

  • Pink - brings solace, compassion, tenderness, kindness, generosity;
  • Purple - it promotes creativity and spiritual growth;
  • Indigo - improves intuition, perception and concentration;
  • Blue - promotes truthfulness, honesty and clarity;
  • Green - harmony, balance, peace, development and creativity;
  • Yellow - the vital energy, inspiration;
  • Orange - energy, enthusiasm and commitment;
  • Red - motivation and energy.


The therapeutic effect of colors

Certain colors have also therapeutic effects on certain organs or parts of the body:

  • So, indigo helps to solve problems with the eyes, ears, nose and brain activity.
  • The blue color makes it easy headache, muscle cramps, headaches, pain in the abdomen.
  • Green is used to treat cough Cough treatment - always an individual approach  Cough treatment - always an individual approach
 , Joint inflammation, bronchitis, eye problems, diabetes and cysts.
  • Yellow color helps to treat glands, lymph nodes, solve problems with metabolism and the nervous system.
  • Orange flowers treat depression Depression  Depression
 , Disorders of brain activity, pessimistic mood, atherosclerosis, loss of appetite and stomach cramps.
  • Red helps to cope with anemia, skin diseases, asthma and chronic cough.

You can also use the healing properties of color in our daily life, to improve your mood, to maintain their physical health and overall health. For example, you can paint the walls a different color, to eat foods rich colors, decorate your home with different colors, dress in clothes of those colors that lift your mood and so on.

During a session of color therapy specialist can use various tools to restore your emotional balance. It can be as gems and prisms, and clothing of different colors, which serves to carry. The colors that surround us and which we use in our clothes can talk about our emotional state.

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