baby teeth of children
 The first tooth baby - always a joy for the mother, but the joy it is often mixed with concern. Some parents do not sleep at night, because their offspring teeth are cut very painful, others parents worry because that baby teeth erupt in children with a delay. What you should know about baby teeth?


The order of appearance

Baby teeth are formed during pregnancy, and they begin to erupt in the first year of life. Terms of eruption of primary teeth and the order in which they appear, rather relative: anyone can get a full set of teeth earlier, someone later. Parents often worry if the teething late, but that is no reason for concern: dentists even say that the later the teeth appear, the longer manage to keep them. In any case, sooner or later, everyone teeth appear, so do not despair if a little pipsqueak "behind schedule."

The first to appear lower teeth - the central incisors. This occurs at about the age of six months. Following them, at the age of eight months, cut through the upper central incisors, and in another two to four months to a year - the upper lateral incisors.

At thirteen or fourteen (sometimes fifteen or sixteen) months appear lower lateral incisors. And after two months, you can expect the first molars - molars. Between the first molars and incisors is still space for canines - these teeth appear at the age of sixteen - twenty-two months.

In the third year of life the baby molars erupt second - first the lower, then the upper. Thus, to three years of a child must be a full set of milk teeth.

To find out how many teeth should be the child of a certain age, often resort to a simple formula: the age of the baby in the four months to subtract.

But this is only a rough calculation, because each child's pace of its development: someone has to two years can boast of twenty teeth, and someone acquires the last teeth is closer to his third birthday. Dentists have noticed that today's children teeth often appear later than their parents: there is nothing wrong, the main thing - to the teeth still there.


Time trials

Typically, the appearance of milk teeth - a serious test for both the child and parents. This process can be quite painful: babies cry and capricious. In addition, during dentition in children decreased immunity, increased temperature may runny nose, cough and diarrhea.

For the very first signs of teething include excessive salivation, redness, swelling and tenderness of the gums. These symptoms may appear a month before the appearance of the first tooth. Children are beginning to pull in my mouth trying to chew on various objects. At this age, will fall by the way very different toys, teethers, through which a baby can massage the gums. These teethers are made of soft plastic or rubber dense, sometimes they should be cooled before use: coolness helps relieve the unpleasant symptoms. Some kids prefer to chew on a crust of bread or drying.

You can reduce the pain and using special gels that gently rubbed into the gums. Although such gels are sold over the counter, they must be used with caution, not exceeding the manufacturer's specified dose.

When unpleasant symptoms such as fever, runny nose, cough and diarrhea, should closely monitor the baby: perhaps these symptoms are not related to teething Teething: one by one  Teething: one by one
   and require urgent treatment. For example, if a child's stool more than three times a day, watery or blood - it's not the teeth, and in some infections, and urgently need to see a doctor. If the temperature of the baby rises above 39 degrees or lasts for more than two days, the doctor's consultation will also be needed.

During teething child should create the most favorable conditions. It is not necessary these days to go on a trip, it is better to move immunizations.

Undesirable introduction of complementary foods The lure: a spoon first adult food  The lure: a spoon first adult food
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 . The kid should get his favorite food. Appetite of the child at this time can improve or worsen - that's no reason to worry, as soon as teeth appear, everything returns to normal.


Treatment of milk teeth

Previously it was thought that the milk teeth can not be treated, because they still have to change. In an extreme case, damaged teeth removed. But in recent decades, dentists adhere to the opposite opinion: milk teeth should definitely be treated, otherwise the infection may move to the permanent teeth. Spoiled milk teeth - is a constant source of infection. In addition, these teeth difficult to chew food well, and therefore may be a violation of the digestive system of the baby. Removing the spoiled milk teeth can lead to various malocclusions.

Today's children are not afraid to treat teeth, as they feared their parents and grandparents. Treatment is completely painless, and the easier it is to cure the teeth, the earlier a child was in the dentist's chair. So do not neglect preventive medical examination that can detect dental problems early on.


The change of milk teeth to permanent

Around the age of six or seven years, begins the change of milk teeth to permanent. Change of teeth occurs in roughly the same order as they erupt. Please change the upper and lower central incisors, then the lateral incisors. At the age of nine or eleven years I was the first molars, and then - fangs and last - second molars. To thirteen years the teeth are replaced completely.

In contrast to the eruption of primary teeth, they change - a process almost painless. We simply dissolve tooth roots, and it falls out, pushed the bottom permanent teeth.

Maria Bykov

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