What to eat to lose weight? What to cook for dinner? What to apply for the holiday table? For every situation fit frozen seafood mix - delicious and healthy mixture of seafood, which are prepared easily and very quickly. Most often, seafood cocktails are served in a salad, but the cake mix can be prepared and in many other ways.
The composition of sea cocktail and its features
Sea cocktail - a platter of boiled and frozen seafood. The composition can vary, but usually consists of a mixture of shrimp, squid rings, octopus tentacles and mussels. Occasionally these are added seafood scallops or squid.
The average calorie frozen seafood mix is eighty-one hundred calories per hundred grams. Protein content - about 15% fat - about 2%, a carbohydrate content in seafood not more than one percent. Of course, depending on the calorie content of the composition and nutritional value can be changed if in the mix to add more squid and octopus, the sea cocktail will be more nutritious, and if they prevail crustaceans and molluscs, the calorie drop. Keep in mind that no matter how useful was the seafood mix, the energy value of the finished dishes also depends on with what products it is combined. Obviously, pasta with seafood cocktail to be more caloric than seafood mix with vegetables.
The product is not only rich in protein and vitamins, as well as iodine, phosphorus, calcium. Seafood is considered a healthy food: low fat and low calorie content combined with high protein and plenty of vitamins and minerals.
Frequent inclusion in the diet of seafood will help lose weight. Of course, it is only the seafood in its pure form, without fatty sauces: seafood mix with cream sauce did not contribute to weight loss. Not recommended for those who are watching their figures, and seafood cocktails in oil - it is better to give preference to the frozen mixture, which does not contain unnecessary fats. A seafood mix in brine is not the best choice for those who suffer from kidney disease or hypertension.
Be aware that some people sea cocktail can cause allergic reactions. For this reason, shrimp, mussels and octopus are not recommended for younger children. However, in the absence of allergen in the diet of older children can be safely administered seafood mix in sour cream
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or in kind.
Subject approach
Each manufacturer in its own way combines the preparation of seafood sea cocktail - this is reflected in both the energy value, and the taste and usefulness of the product. It is necessary to consider the most common ingredients of the mixture separately.
Shrimp - small crustaceans with a delicate, slightly sweet flavor. In addition to calcium, iodine, sodium, potassium, magnesium and shrimp contain rare molybdenum compounds, cobalt and manganese. The shrimp are many vitamins B, and the vitamins PP, A, D, E. At the same time, these small crustaceans - real champions on the content of cholesterol;
Tender meat squid is rich in vitamins B, PP and E, as well as trace elements: iodine, copper, phosphorus, selenium, iron. Also, the squid contain polyunsaturated fatty acids and components capable of lowering blood cholesterol. But, like shrimp, squid can be dangerous if they are caught in polluted water;
Mussels are low-calorie. They contain many iodine, iron, phosphorus and cobalt. But be aware that the mussels accumulate toxic substances contained in seawater. Therefore it is recommended to eat shellfish hatchery;
Meat octopus contains an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids, which are now considered almost a panacea, and the best means for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. High in protein and low calorie makes octopus highly coveted food for those who want to lose weight. Many in the octopus can be hazardous heavy metals - the consequences of water pollution of the oceans.
How to cook, how to pickle as fry seafood mix
The taste of seafood depends on how you cook seafood mix - frozen or thawed. It is of great importance and the duration of cooking. In fact, seafood cocktails are sold already cooked, and therefore it is not necessary to prepare for a long time. For example, sea cocktail multivarka preparing just a few minutes, and seafood mix in the pan fried slightly longer. Extinguishing chefs recommend different: julienne
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from sea cocktail will be ready in five minutes after the start of baking, seafood mix in tomato sauce or seafood mix with cream prepared also within ten minutes.
You can never cook seafood cocktails, and submit it to the table just thawed sauce or flavored marinade. Any special knowledge of how to marinate seafood mix, is not required. To prepare the marinade for seafood cocktail, you just need to taste mix in arbitrary proportions of lemon juice, a drop of oil and pepper, garlic and ginger.
Seafood is perfectly combined with rice. Pilaf sea cocktail - a perfect replacement of conventional fat pilaf with meat. Lovers of Italian cuisine will prefer risotto
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a seafood cocktail. Even just cooked seafood mix with rice turn into a satisfying, delicious meal with a low-fat diet.
Another proven combination - seafood mix with pasta. Spaghetti with seafood cocktail has already become a real symbol of Italian cuisine, together with pizza.
Maria Bykov
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