• Discussions on the first date: themes for conversations
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 conversation on a first date
 The first date - it's always easy. Many do not feel too confident, get lost, do not know what to say. But how successful will be the first date depends on whether the second will be held, so before you go to a meeting with a potential partner, you need to learn a few tips.

Hairstyle, clothes, shoes, accessories, perfume, choosing a restaurant or a bar - all this is very important for successful first date. But even more important conversations on the first date. If partners raise embarrassing topics, if one of them talks too much about themselves or between them regularly hangs awkward silence, it is likely that the second date will not be simple. What to say on a first date to make a good impression?


How it all began

On the first date, most people talk about their education, work, hobbies, sports in which they are engaged. Ask the interlocutor, it all started - why he chose this profession, I started to play sports? So you not only show interest in his personality, but better to know a person (whether or not to say that there is a big difference between people who choose a profession at the urging of parents and those who follow his heart?).



Tell us about your dreams and ask the interlocutor, as he wants to.


Life Stories

Tell them, due to the fact that the interviewee says: "It reminds me of the time that I ..."


The very first memories

Ask the interlocutor what his earliest memory, and at what age he remembers himself. The likelihood that the subject would be painful for him, is small; It is much more likely that in the next half hour you dive into early memories, which have a special magic.


Other "most-most" childhood memories

The most ridiculous, the most embarrassing, most happy memories - talk about nice and easy. However, it is necessary to ask about the childhood years as an adult happy memories are often linked to past romances, and of them on the first date is better not to talk.


The place where he grew up

Perhaps the source enough to tell him when to share memories, but if not, ask him to tell you about the place where he spent his childhood.


Children's Dreams

And once again about his childhood. It is generally very fertile theme, remember yourself as a child for most people is nice and funny. Ask the interlocutor of childhood dreams, about which of them was able to carry out, and what we would like to implement in the future.


Favorite word

"What's your favorite word? "- This is definitely a strange question, but it can get very interesting answers. At least, you will admire a blank expression partner and yourself at the same time try to answer this question, because he probably will ask him and you.


Any name

To answer the question about what's your favorite name may be easier, but often also have to think about. Why ask this question? Just for fun. But if the person will call your name, consider: perhaps he too is trying to please you, or the lazy and try to think of something - and then, and another does not speak in his favor.


Sympathy and Love

Ask about past romances on the first date, as already mentioned, it is not necessary, but a love for musicians, actors, and literary characters can be cartoon characters - why not?


Zombie Attack

Another strange, but a fertile topic of conversation on a first date First date: everything is just beginning  First date: everything is just beginning
 . What would you do in case of a zombie attack? How would you have behaved if they broke in the door of the bar itself, where you sit? Discussion of such issues can take half an hour, and even more: as long as you come up, where to hide, what to use as a weapon, as an escape, where to go - there is something to discuss. And if the person looks at you with a puzzled and very serious to say that there are no zombies do not exist? Well, it would have to conclude that in front of you is a typical nerd, and you decide to spend time on it, or not ... though probably still not worth it. But particularly keen topic of zombie attack can start writing scripts rescue in the event of a wide variety of apocalypse - viral, meteorite and others.


Happy clothes and other mascots

Maybe your buddy have a happy pair of socks to bring him good luck, and he throws them, although they have not left nezashtopannogo place? Maybe he always takes Beret - a symbol of French charm  Beret - a symbol of French charm
   happy pencil on important negotiations? Or walk to the matches of their favorite team in a T-shirt for several years? Ask him about it, and that always helps these talismans.


Top Rated Movies

What kind of movies your partner finds most ridiculous, scary, romantic?


Children Horror

Another topic of conversation from childhood - the horror stories that frighten you in kindergarten or elementary school.


Where did you go, and would like to go

Ask the partner what countries and cities he has visited and where he wants to go in the future. Talking on this subject makes quite quickly understand how many of you have in common with humans. You can formulate the question a little differently and ask what natural phenomenon and no animal companion would like to see with my own eyes - a volcanic eruption, aurora borealis, penguins, blue whales?



On the first date, almost all talk about the music, but you can go a little bit unusual way, and not ask about favorite artists and what group or musical styles your partner can not stand, or what kind of music he loved before, but it does not like Now.


What to say on the first date do not need to

  • About sex - with no hint of sexual overtones, talks about his favorite positions, experiments in sex, and so on. An exception can be made if you meet only for sex without commitment;
  • On the former - just do not pick up the subject last personal life;
  • On the revenue;
  • The desire / unwillingness to start a family and have children;
  • Religion;
  • Politics;
  • About what should or should not, in your opinion, do men or women.
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