how to surprise a man in bed
 Stable relationship of trust - that's fine. But the line between stability and predictability or even boredom, is too thin. And where boredom settled, there is no place for love. Secrets of the femme fatales are reduced to one: they know how to surprise a man in bed, and do not give her lover bored.


Voice of Nature

From the perspective of biology, the task of the male - impregnate as many females. This is necessary to save the life of all species. Of course, there are exceptions, but in general both animals and people usually are polygamous.

Comparing man and animal are not entirely correct. Man is distinguished from other mammals that have successfully restrains his instincts, subjecting them to reason.

Yet in some areas of human life - for example, in sex - instincts play a significant role.

Men are turned on by the novelty, it is unreasonable to deny. And if you take care to introduce an element of novelty in the sex life and not let sex become a routine, it will only benefit the relationship.

Smart women know that their beloved novelty is needed, and try to satisfy this need loved ones, so that they did not seek its satisfaction in foreign beds. Even if a man does not want to change his wife, small surprises will please him.


Only pleasant surprises

In search of ways to surprise beloved especially important individual approach. Cooking Surprise your loved one should take into account all of its directly or indirectly expressed wishes, his tastes, preferences and weaknesses. Otherwise, the effect may be unexpected.

For example, many recommend bring a man jealous Management of jealousy  Management of jealousy
 To excite his passion. In dealing with someone this technique really very effective. But the jealous tyrant, or simply not self-confident person is not kindled a passion for his wife desperately flirting right and left. As a result, instead of waiting for a couple of nights of love scandal, and well, if it cost a showdown. There are more options for the worst, for instance, a man wants to repay frivolous lover in the same way and starts flirting with other women, and even modify.

Everything has its time and place. If the man returned home after twelve o'clock worked in hazardous environments, it is unlikely he will set up a playful - most likely, he would be delighted plate of borscht Borsch: versatile dish for every taste  Borsch: versatile dish for every taste
 Than sexual harassment of his wife. But when a man is hungry, he slept well and feels good - it can be surprising and should be.

Therefore, before you apply some tricks should think about it, they are suitable in this particular case or not. Otherwise, the struggle with boredom in bed will cost the family too much.


Step one: in search of inspiration

Without what can not be a surprise? Without the appropriate mood. To become a femme fatale, surprise a loved one, it is first necessary to awaken their own sensuality. You can do this by using proven methods - to get help from erotic novels and movies, sensual music, silk underwear, exciting flavors.

Many women on the right wave set up procedures to care for themselves. Manicures and pedicures, body wraps and masks, fragrant bath lotions and gentle increase confidence in their own attractiveness and their female charms. Efficiency and actions associated with the work of the body - from sports to relaxing massage.


Step Two: breaking stereotypes

As usually occurs sexual contact? Perhaps a prelude to sex has become somewhat monotonous? And maybe for intimacy has always chosen the same posture? It's time to break the stereotypes and try something new.

Changes may be global. For example, yesterday's "Snow Queen" will turn into a bad girl without complexes and solid mother of the family will be on one evening of cabaret dancer. At the same time sexually active woman can, on the contrary, play hard to get, thus whetted her lover. The greater the contrast to the usual behavior, the more risky is such an experiment. At the same time, the greater the effect - similar transformation not just a surprise, they hit to the core.

If the idea of ​​change so dramatically frightening, you can try to start with the little things. Small changes may not will drive a man mad, but just refresh the relationship. And you can change everything. For example, if sex is usually at night, you may want to try to seduce her lover in the morning or at lunchtime. Change positions - is also a great solution. No need to try all the postures of the "Kama Sutra", but may have sex in a new way will be enjoyed by both.

Those who preferred the earlier measured sensual sex with a long prelude, you may want to try a quick, passionate, "animal" copulation. And for those who despise the prelude, it is, on the contrary, to extend it as much as possible.

Change places - reception, which is very often mentioned in the novels, but rarely implemented in reality.

Of course, it is difficult to find a place more convenient than fresh bed. However, in order to surprise a loved one, you can try to make love elsewhere. The kitchen table, the back seat of the car, empty beach, or a haystack - a lot of options.

You can experiment with lighting or sound, with time and place, with a rhythm and a set of caresses. Even simple games of disguise certainly will make a lasting impression on the man. Submissive slave of the harem or obstinate nurse maid playful or strict woman in military uniform - male fantasies are quite diverse, but, in general, well known manufacturers of special costumes that are sold in sex shops. In shops for adults can be found and other interesting things that will help diversify sex life.

Maria Bykov

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