• Lover: the real situation
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 Although cultural stereotypes tell us that in the main it is men who change their wives or girlfriends, and not vice versa, studies clarify that women change nearly as often as men. Most studies suggest that between 10% and 29% of men and women, married and other serious monogamous relationship, at some point, change its partners in their lives appears lover and not even one.


Why is it that men cheat more than women

  • Cultural stereotypes are more lenient to male infidelity than to women.
  • The male ego more fragile, does not allow men to think that they can change.
  • Women are better at hiding infidelity than men.


What do the studies

If you put aside cultural stereotypes, the real reasons for which women give birth to lovers, often very different from the reasons that men have mistresses. For example, adult males are usually more comfortable than women, with a purely sexual experience devoid of emotional attachment, for example, viewing pornography, trips to a strip club or a sex with a prostitute. Women are usually more exciting sexuality, which includes some form of emotional connection.

In one study, which involved 2,000 men and as many women, it was found that 57% of women who had lovers said they felt love for them. And only 27% of men said they loved their mistresses. From this we can conclude that women are changing, much more likely to want or need in a close emotional bond with their lovers or even just have to believe that such a link exists, although a man can actually experience the other senses.


Why women give birth to lovers

Women who change their husbands or boyfriends, do so for many reasons, but the most common ones include:

  • The woman feels that she underestimated her neglect, ignore it. A woman who feels more like a housekeeper, breadwinner or nurse than a wife, more inclined to get into a situation in which it will draw attention to themselves, and in which it will be valued for who she is, not for then what functions it performs.
  • The woman craves intimacy. Women more than men, feel valued and communication with your partner through nonsexual emotional communication, such as touching, kissing, hugging, gifts, tokens. Women whose needs are not being met so close to her regular partner, may seek to meet them on the side of over-sexy relationship. Some women may also abuse alcohol, drugs, uncontrolled spending money or permanently overeat to compensate for the emptiness they feel.
  • Woman bored or lonely. Women who are at home for a long time, for example, caring for young children, or after the children have grown up, may feel that their life lacks meaning, and can have a lover, to fill the void. Women whose husbands or partners are absent for a long time (for example, because of the military service) may also resort to sex on the side, to brighten up the loneliness Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?  Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?
  • The woman believes that she is loved and appreciated. Some women are more narcissistic and emotionally immature, expect that their husbands will fulfill their every whim and without words to understand what they need. When the husbands are unable to meet these unrealistic expectations, they feel justified to seek attention elsewhere.
  • Women have intimate problems. Injuries at an early age or sexual abuse often leads to the fact that women (and men) is sexual addiction or multiple treason Treason: Fall or loyalty to yourself?  Treason: Fall or loyalty to yourself?
 . Women with unexamined childhood traumas may seek permanence and sense of self-importance in romantic or sexual relationships outside of marriage.
  • The feeling that they have power over someone who wants sex or romantic relationships with them, helps women gain a sense of self-importance, value, belonging and emotional security. The relationship with her lover give them a stream of sexual activity to fill emotional needs, as well as to avoid the affection, sincerity and intimacy with someone who can hurt them (as it was in the past).
  • Some women give birth to lovers, because they receive little sexual or physical proximity to their husbands. Adult women get the same pleasure from sex as men. For some women, a relationship without sex is unacceptable, even if the lack of sexual relations is caused by medical problems with a partner. For these women, a lover may be a logical solution.
  • Unfortunately, many women do not understand how their fornication may affect the relationship with her husband. Betrayal hurts man, destroying his sense of security and self-esteem. Sexual Secrets destroy the trust and betrayal cause pain to each of the partners, regardless of the reason why a woman gets her lover. If the couple is ready to solve the problem together, psychological counseling can turn the crisis into an opportunity of growth relationship. Unfortunately, even after working with an experienced, some couples are not able to restore the necessary confidence and emotional security necessary for living together.
  • Married women usually prefer to meet with married, not with single men. With married men, they are on an equal footing and are not afraid that the men would be too dependent on them. They do not tell the truth and are unlikely to suffer from diseases transmitted through sexual contact. In addition, women find that married lover will not start for another lover.
  • Women who work full-time, often give birth to lovers than housewives and those who work at home. According to some estimates, 47% of women who work outside the home, and 27% of those who work at home, have or had lovers before they turned forty. Studies have shown that about 57% of working married women met their lovers at work.
  • Some women believe that the relationship with her lover will help them to compensate for what they receive less married. However, this idea is rarely justified, because the contrast with a pleasant attitude often makes the marriage unbearable.
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