Sbiten, or as it is called in the old days to "digest" - an old sweet drink. It is made from honey and various spices. The first recipe was brought down can be found in "Domostroi" monument of Russian literature of the XVI century, although the sbiten, as you know, appeared much earlier in the XI-XIII centuries.
A little history
It is assumed that the name of this drink comes from the Russian word "churn." Without such a procedure in the production brought down really did not do. It is prepared in two vessels, one of which pushed the honey, the other - spices, then they were mixed - shot down. Sbiten prepared for a variety of recipes, many of which exist. Distinguish sbiten "Stolbushinsky", "Moscow", "Vladimir" sbiten "Zhzhenka", to which was added caramel, and many others. They differed technology preparation and the main components, but one of them always remained the same - no honey sbiten can not cook.
To make a simple sbiten, it was necessary to mix the honey with water, add a few bay leaves and cloves inflorescences. To prepare the mint-Romashkovo sbitnya required mix chamomile and mint infusion and add honey. Sbitnev with infusion of herbs - such as sage
Sage - useful properties do not count
or St. John's wort - considered an excellent tool for the restoration of health.
Sbiten been part of Russian culture, this drink will certainly offer foreign merchants. Known history as a merchant, who arrived in Russia on business, christened sbiten mulled wine in Russian. Indeed, apart from non-alcoholic brought down, and prepared sbiten alcohol, which consists of wine, or - more often - Braga. Fortress of the drink reaches seven degrees. They sold it in specially designed for institutions of a high enough price. Special room where a sbiten prepared, was called "Sbiten smoking", the same drink and offered for sale.
Also sbiten preparing markets, squares and on the streets. Merchants Sbitenschik worn copper samovars with sbiten directly behind and wrapped up on top of it to drink for longer remained hot. It was especially popular and necessary in the winter, in wet or cold weather. Hot Russian drink allowed to warm up well and regained strength and courage, lost energy. And in the hottest period of the summer cold sbiten great thirst quencher. In addition to hot and cold, the drink is still divided into simple and custard. The essence of the second was a short-lived process of fermentation. Merchants attract customers, loudly touting their wares.
Passersby tried to drink with pleasure and usually became his fans. Before the advent of tea and coffee in Russia, this drink was virtually the only "national drink." Poured it into the steins, or special glasses, the edges of which are turned outwards, which allowed not to burn yourself. A fed to this pleasant beverage is usually cakes or rolls, buns.
Soft sbiten sometimes prepared in the home. Honey is allowed to replace the sweet syrup - molasses and even jam allowed to add fruit and berry juices to vary the taste of the drink.
A significant role in the history of the October Revolution brought down played, during which the once popular beverage practically ceased to be produced. Only at the end of XX century began, efforts to return the traditional drink. But it seems sbiten never return former glory - most young people have never tasted this legendary drink and did not regret it.
Sbiten other meads
In preparation sbiten very simple. Compared with other meads, such as honey, mead, Surya, the hallmark brought down a speed of preparation - preparing a drink for less than four hours since he does not need to roam.
For example, the beverage must first honey for a long time cooking in water and then added to a mixture of yeast and fermentation process can take twenty-one days. For the final availability of mead
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also need more than one day. The process consists of fermentation and cooking the honey in the water, as is the case with the first drink, though brewing mead require less time. The drink is a more fluid and not so long kept as traditional mead. Surya also known as the oldest ancestor was brought down. Its main ingredients are honey and fresh milk. To make this drink, milk previously allowed to infuse the sun, and then mixed it with spices and then poured into special casks where yeast is added. Begins the process of fermentation. After finishing stages of preparation of the drink should drain. He gets clear and white sour-tasting and slightly alcoholic. The most important in the preparation of Surya considered the transparency of the drink.
Benefits and harms
Use of this Russian beverage proved generations. Due to its composition sbiten called drug product. Himself honey, which is the main component of the drink is rich in vitamins, minerals and macro-and micronutrients. Thanks carnation drink has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. He is well soothes and tones. A grass only multiply its usefulness. Sbitnev, which include herbal teas, can be used for colds. This drink will help with impaired metabolism, improve blood circulation, adding cardamom
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- Will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and brain function, improve appetite. If you need to add alcohol poisoning in sbiten ginger or willow-herb.
Before taking sbiten as a drug, you must ensure that no intolerance of its ingredients, such as allergies to honey. It is not recommended to drink sbiten diabetes, as well as the presence of kidney and liver diseases.
Maria Bykov
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