Aromatherapy in the treatment of depression
 Aromatherapy - a treatment of various diseases with odors. For the treatment of used plant, rich in essential oils and possesses a strong odor. The smell of these plants always has some effect on the central nervous system. That is why aromatherapy treatment of depression can be very effective.


What is depression and why it occurs

Depression - a violation of the mental state of a change in sentiment, which becomes depressed and depressed. From the usual bad mood depression characterized by a complete lack of hope for improvement. Along with the change of mood disorder occurs mental activity, motor activity, and the numerous violations of the internal organs and systems, volitional control over the state of his psyche.

Depression - a condition that often requires hospitalization because of the tendency of patients to suicide (suicide). Depression requires a comprehensive examination of the patient and identify the reasons for its occurrence. Often hidden depression is a sign of mental illness that requires constant medical care. Sometimes depression can be a consequence of very severe stress, or fatigue. Any factors lead to the fact that there are disturbances in the central nervous system involving the cerebral cortex and the endocrine system.

The first sign of incipient depression is fatigue. This alarm, by which the body makes it clear that he needed to rest. Then there is indifference to everything that surrounds it, including to himself, to his children, that is the fact that early care and aroused emotions - a condition requires assistance.


The aromatherapy will help in the treatment of depression

Of course, with depression Depression  Depression
   It can handle only a psychiatrist. In the arsenal of a psychiatrist today, many psychotropic drugs that can restore the state of the psyche. Nevertheless, many psychiatrists are now actively using aromatherapy - the impact of plant essential oils on the central nervous system can be very effective.

Used for aromatherapy scented plants contain volatile substances - essential oils. Essential oils have the ability to affect the brain, stimulating the activity of the cerebral cortex and the allocation of neurohormones including special substances - endorphins, which are called hormones of happiness.

Essential oils are connected with hormones in the body and act on the nerve endings. They are able to improve human performance (citrus), calms the nervous system, (valerian), many essential oils have an overall positive effect on the body, regulating physiological processes.

Aromatherapy is used to treat depression in ancient times. Regulation of the central nervous system that occurs when the most natural way, causing fewer complications than using medication.

Therapeutic fragrances tone the body, relieve fatigue, causing a surge of vitality, improve the process and quality of sleep a night's sleep. This allows you to reduce the dose of a potent psychotropic drug, and at mild depression and did give them up. Aromatherapy as a part of comprehensive treatment and helps to cope with severe depression, diseases. Often combined with aromatherapy treatments such as massages and baths, which also have a positive effect on the central nervous system.


What smells can improve mood

The mood can improve the tonic scents of essential oils such as jasmine oil, basil, chamomile, lavender, bergamot, citrus, rose, sage Sage - useful properties do not count  Sage - useful properties do not count
   Clary. These odors can be sprayed using a spray gun, but you can just breathe dropping on a napkin. In health care facilities for aromatherapy use special equipment - nebulizers. Aromatherapy is usually combined with music therapy and psychotherapy - it enhances the therapeutic effect.

For the prevention of depression on the back of strong overwork, or after stress massages using essential oils that have antidepressant and tonic effect. You can carry out a facial massage Face massage  Face massage
 , Acupressure, using specific points on the body, also has an active effect on the central nervous system. Well it helps relieve stress and fatigue, improve mood neck massage and back, especially if the massage cream add a few drops of orange essential oil or ylang-ylang oil. You can also add a few drops of essential oil of juniper and pine in the bath - it will also have a curative effect.

If a person gets depressed, he should choose the best smell - one that gives him a pleasant feeling of calm and courage. In the case of stress, you can resort to inhalation of odors directly from the bottle or with a swipe.

Depression should be treated a psychiatrist, but you can prevent its development on its own, with the help of a pleasant odor.

Galina Romanenko

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