• Blepharoplasty - open eyes
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 If your face looks tired eyes became heavy, strongly swollen eyes in the morning and make-up is not able to deal with these troubles, you may want to sign up for the operation blepharoplasty. It will help "open the eyes", notably by facilitating the morning make-up, from which you can delete corrective tricks that allow to transform the face. Blepharoplasty is currently perhaps the most popular aesthetic surgery, it is possible to perform both in the young and in adulthood. The effect of the intervention on the face. More precisely, on the face, which, after plastic shining youth.


Limited correction

If you have these or other problems in the area of ​​the eye - wrinkles, swelling, herniation, the overhang of age or dictated by anatomical features - need to understand the extent to which you will blepharoplasty. This is the century of plastic, which is not related to anti-aging operations. Of course, if the eyelids hang due to the omission of a mature age, blepharoplasty can help you, but it's not the surgery that removes the grid "crow's feet" or deeper facial wrinkles around the eyes.

Blepharoplasty - is an operation, not a procedure, it should also be clear about agreeing to it. After it need rehabilitation period during which patients are denied the opportunity to appear in the eyes of others - the first days after blepharoplasty face looks scary, but after two or three weeks, you can evaluate the result and enjoy the view of its updated face.

Blepharoplasty is an excellent opportunity to change without radical intervention. The omission of the century by century, excessive due to age or congenital feature never paints the face, making him tired. Makeup on centuries of often looks sloppy, especially at emphasizing dark eyeliner or age gustopigmentirovannymi shadows. The solution - blepharoplasty, which takes about an hour at first, then another month of recovery.


Methods plastics century

Blepharoplasty can be done on the top, on the lower eyelids, or both together. Plastic upper eyelid ptosis is shown at the expressed, swelling, which not only looks unsightly, but also hampers normal vision. On the lower eyelid with age may form the so-called hernia Hernia: Types and symptoms - which are the most dangerous?  Hernia: Types and symptoms - which are the most dangerous?
 Which is always a very old person making the expression of a statute for ever.

When blepharoplasty surgeon makes a small incision in the century where removes excess skin and fatty tissue, the skin is tightened and stitched. The extent to which visible or invisible seam will depend on the type of operation. If transconjunctival blepharoplasty incision is not visible prying eyes, because it is done from the inside of a century. If the plastic is carried out from the outside, it may leave a small scar, which is on the upper eyelid is hidden in a fold, and the lower eyelashes hides (incision is made at the line rate).

Blepharoplasty is usually performed under general anesthesia and lasts up to six hours if necessary to work on two centuries. After the intervention of the eye bandage is worn, which is worn up to three days. Then, for approximately ten days will last the healing tissue with a gradual reduction of swelling and bruising.


After blepharoplasty

After the operation for about two or three weeks you can not wear contact lenses Contact lenses: blessing or curse?  Contact lenses: blessing or curse?
 In the period of rehabilitation is impossible not to drink alcoholic beverages and smoke, it is better not to abuse the TV watching and finding the computer, because it loads the eyes, causing redness, tearing, which in this case is highly undesirable. Many of the unpleasant consequences of blepharoplasty are normal and disappear after a few weeks. These include swelling, bruising, tearing. For faster rehabilitation is necessary to clearly observe all the doctor's instructions on limitations in lifestyle and care, and not to engage in independent action. If you have a concern, it is always a reason to see a specialist who operated on you.

When the competent experienced surgeon blefaroplatika transforms the face and erases it for about ten years. The look becomes open, younger, easier to apply makeup that will look completely different compared to what it was before plastic.

The biggest problem is the intervention of unqualified doctor - is ectropion, which may impede the closing of the eyes blink and, in addition, it looks scary. These negative effects are often observed and celebrities who in the pursuit of youth do Facelifting Facelift: how to restore youth  Facelift: how to restore youth
   again and again, trying to get rid of wrinkles and sagging.

Blepharoplasty does not require reoperation. Once making plastic century, you can refer to it in 10-12 years.

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