dark spots
 Under pigment spots usually understood the appearance of the skin hyperpigmentation. The spots can thus be considerably darker than the rest of the skin, have an irregular shape and significantly spoil the appearance. In the struggle with hyperpigmentation applied pharmaceutical preparations for oral or topical use, whitening cosmetics and some salon treatments. It is also good to help with such problems as liver spots Brown spots: whether they can be removed completely?  Brown spots: whether they can be removed completely?
   folk remedies. But before choosing a suitable method for getting rid of dark spots on the skin, you need to understand why they occur.

 Brown spots: the treatment of folk remedies

Folk remedies in combination with medicine - a reliable set of combat hyperpigmentation

It is known that some people tolerate prolonged exposure to the sun, while others burn quickly. This difference is caused by belonging to different phototypes, that is more or less melanin - the pigments that protect the body from sun exposure. People with fair skin that burns quickly, it is better to refrain from prolonged sun exposure, because radiation protection system is subjected to high stresses and possible future appearance of age spots and the rapid aging of the skin.

In addition, noticeable dark spots may appear in people who are not prone to sunburn. Often hyperpigmentation Hyperpigmentation - cosmetic defect or sign of the disease?  Hyperpigmentation - cosmetic defect or sign of the disease?
   manifested in women due to the change in hormonal levels - during pregnancy and menopause, birth control pills, abortion. The appearance of dark spots can be triggered by illness, stress, the use of poor-quality cosmetics, and products containing such substances as citrus essential oil or petroleum jelly. Although traditional medicine can help even with serious cases of hyperpigmentation, sometimes requires a connection pharmacology.

 Brown spots: the treatment of folk remedies

Home treatment - visit to the doctor

To start effectively combat hyperpigmentation folk remedies, it is necessary to start to visit a dermatologist, who gives his advice and recommendations. The fact that the dry and sensitive skin should avoid certain folk remedies, such as lemon juice - it even dries the skin and can lead to premature wrinkles. If the doctor does not see problems in the application of herbs and masks, you can begin treatment immediately. It is important to remember that all proceedings against hyperpigmentation is best done in the evening, but by the time of year - in the autumn; moreover, during the course of treatment is necessary to apply sunscreen, regardless of solar activity.

 Brown spots: the treatment of folk remedies

Recipes of traditional medicine

Mask based on natural products, which helps get rid of age spots usually are composed of acidic substances: yogurt Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony  Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony
 , Lemon juice, pickle of sauerkraut, and so on. The following recipes will help to whiten dark spots, if you do masks regularly and do not expose your skin to sunlight.

  • Mask of parsley 100 grams of green grind in a blender, add a spoonful of honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the resulting slurry to areas with hyperpigmentation, hold up half an hour;
  • The uploaded boiling oatmeal add the brine from sauerkraut (100 grams of cereal, a tablespoon of pickle). Apply for 20 minutes;
  • Rub the cottage cheese with low-fat protein, one egg, add a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice, put on your skin. Keep such a mask must be 15-20 minutes;
  • The pulp of a ripe melon mix with a spoon of honey, put on the spot, stand for half an hour.

For well-established folk remedies against hyperpigmentation can also be attributed compresses of decoctions of herbs: St. John's wort, lemon balm, calendula and lemon juice. These packs not only help get rid of dark spots on the skin, but also to make it more healthy and elastic.

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Article Tags:
  • dark spots
  • Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
  • Stains from the sun, or hyperpigmentation